Volume 2 part 3

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15th February 2021
Today is the day of the party so I'm full of butterflies. This is so exciting! I bet Aphrodite is going to look stunning... as always. AAAGGGHHH I can't get rid of the nervous energy. I just got a text from Henny... apparently she is going to be there. Not exactly the most exciting news that I've ever heard not gonna lie, but I'm sure it won't be that bad, I mean we probably won't even talk that much. Oh I gotta get ready now, I'll write some more at the party.

It's 9:00 and I've been here for around an hour. Half of which was spent with Aphrodite! Then she had to go talk to some of the other guests so I decided to get to know Molly a bit better. She's really pretty I must admit, but don't tell Aphrodite I said that. Eh whatever we aren't dating yet. We talked for a while, she moved here because her dad got a job, which is cool. She lives in a coupe in Crimson Crescent Lane, she must be loaded. Now look I really like Aphrodite, but I wouldn't mind filling my pockets with some of that Danish dosh, nah it's okay Aphrodite is rich enough. No! What am I saying, bad Booboo, I am not the Booboo that I used to be, I am humble and I know the value of genuine relationships with genuine chickens, I will not fall into my old habits. I am a good Booboo, a Booboo that respects girls and their feelings, ugh I need a drink.
I had beer, it tastes kinda trashy, but whatever I've had worse, and oh I love the way it makes me feel. I had another beer, and another one until I was tipsy. I made my way upstairs to the bathroom and Aphrodite ran in after me. She made sure I was okay, but I was fine and we just sat in silence for a while. I don't remember much, but I think the conversation went like this:
"Damn Booboo, I know you've never drank before, but I thought you'd know that sculling three down at once isn't the best idea"
"I wasn't prepared for how much fun it was, so I just kept drinking, I think I'm gonna go get some more" I remember getting up and feeling Aphrodite's feather on my chest,
"Down Booboo, I think you've had enough for now, I'm gonna stay here and watch you for a bit if that's okay"
"I don't need to be babysat"
"I know, I just don't want you getting hurt"
"Is that all?"
"What do you mean?"
"I'm not the only drunk person here, I mean Haybale is passed out on your couch, last time I checked she was foaming at the mouth, shouldn't someone be watching her"
"Molly's looking after her, and I can't watch everyone here"
"Yeah, so why me?"
"It's your first time drinking Booboo and you... now don't take this the wrong way, but you don't exactly know what your doing"
"Hehe Booboo, what do you mean?"
"You're lying, but whatever, I don't care, I won't push you for the truth even if you are a filthy liar"
"You know what you're not going to remember this anyway so I might as well just say it... Booboo I like you, like in that way... so there"
"Well I like you too," and then I planted a little peck on her beak because I'm a flirtatious beast.
And I know she guessed that I wouldn't remember that because I was practically wasted, and you're probably expecting me to boast about how amazing I must be for being able to remember it, however I, Booboo Baggage am no superhero, in fact...
I was never even drunk! It was just pretend. I needed to get her to come 'look after' me so I could trick her into telling me she liked me. The beer was sparkling apple juice. Do you seriously think that Booboo would drink under the legal drinking age, well I think not, Booboo has standards. Anyway after that I partied until late in the morning and went to sleep on Aphrodite's couch. I went home the next day.

16th march 2021
I had to go to another meeting with my agency, I have enough songs for my EP now, and I've released four singles so it's time to plan my cover design, name it and release it. All my singles have music videos, obviously and they're all amazing, but I just haven't had time to write about them because I've been so busy with school and music and my musical theatre classes. Anyway so I'm naming my EP Knock Knock (don't ask why, but I have my reasons), and for the cover I'm using a black and white photo of my face with a silver tear rolling down my cheek. It's so sexy.

17th April 2021
I released my EP and it peaked number 5 on the Chickadee 100.

21st April 2021
Today is Elly's birthday. She turns 16 and I can think of no one who deserves a better day than her. She's such an inspiration and don't tell anyone, but... I'm dedicating, not only my whole tour and all my future albums to her, but this diary as well. 'Coz I love her soooo much...

22nd May 2021
Today I got asked to perform my Ep as an opening act for Henniana Grande's salty world tour! I said yes of course. I can't wait to perform in front of thousands of adoring fans, yes they are her adoring fans, but I can lie to myself I don't mind. I feel like my life is coming together more and more everyday and it feels amazing, soon I will be with Aphrodite, or Molly, either way I don't really mind, and then I'm going to be famous and there will be money coming out of my beak when I speak... ooh I feel a song lyric coming on.  I think it's just been hard over the last year with everything that happened to me, I mean one minute my life is going smooth and I'm in a long term relationship with she who shall not be named, next thing I know I cheat on her, date her arch nemesis, break up with her arch nemesis, am left single for the first time in literally ten years, lose my best friend to Lorri, lose my dad to her mum, get another little sister (which was a light in a very dark time in my life), started talking to Henny again, watched her whirlwind romance with Griffin, started musical theatre, released a duet with a now famous Henny, released an Ep, became more famous than Henny, and have been single for over a year.  So yeah I think it's safe to say that a lot has changed with the turn of the decade and if someone had asked me before this all happened I probably would have said that i wasn't ready, but this taught me that I, Booboo Baggage, am always ready, it turns out that I'm even more amazing then I ever could have imagined. Okay I guess that some Haters might say that no one that's cheats on their girlfriend can be that amazing, and maybe at one point in my life I would have agreed, however I stayed strong while everyone was conspiring against me and talking about how viscous and evil I was, I stood my ground in the face of adversity. Me and Henny had been together for ten years anyway, one of us was bound to get bored at some point and honestly I'm just glad that it was me.

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