Volume 2 part 3

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23rd June 2021
Today Aphrodite asked me if I wanted to go on a date with her, I said yes of course, I mean I've liked her for such a long time, maybe too long... I don't know it's just that it's almost been a year and things have just been moving so slowly and I'm not really used to that. I do want to give things a try with her, but I'm just worried that it might be too late to bring those feelings back. The thing is, I want something different... something that I've never experienced before, but it's hard I mean I'm straight and I've dated every type of girl that there is, (I mean I always thought that there was only two, but all three that I've spoken too are different so I guess there must be three) so I don't really know where to go from here.

25th June 2021
I went on my date with Aphrodite today, it went really well and I asked her to be my girlfriend. Look I'm not saying that she gave me all the butterflies that she used to, that would be a lie, however it was fun, and I do really like her. We get along really well, we have a lot in common and she's super sweet. Maybe the reason that I don't get as nervous around her is just because I'm comfortable around her, I really can't tell because I've been single for so long. I do really care about her, but I wouldn't call it love, not yet anyway.

26th July 2021
Me and Aphrodite have been together for a month now and things are going really well actually, ugh she's so cute, no! She's beautiful and I love her. Everything about her, her voice, her feathers, her eyes, her smile! She's perfect I swear, and I get so happy everytime I see her... some people have heroin, but I have my heroine, and her name is Aphrodite Spaghettini...

27th August 2021
Today when I was watching Chick News Rundown on the snapchick stories page I saw a story about me! The host was like "The world's sexiest Rooster has been seen going out and about with a beautiful mystery hen and we are desperate to find out who she is! Sources close to the pair state that she is a Chick he met a few years back in some kind of music class, what a cute story, could she be the next biggest pop star???" And it got me thinking, is Aphrodite just dating me for my fame, is that all I am to her, whatever wouldn't be the first time someone's used me for status reasons (Lorri don't think I forgot about that) and i still think it's worth giving her the benefit of the doubt and see where this goes,I mean she makes me so happy ,why give up on it because of a what if?

28th September 2021
Today I got a text from Aphrodite saying that she's going to italy in a week with her family, she wants to say goodbye to me tomorrow before things get busy, because she's going for six weeks we want it to be a big day, so we're going to the city in the morning, then we're going to a theme park (she hasn't said which one yet because she wants it to be a surprise) and then we're going to have lunch in a fancy restaurant called el chico. Normally you have to be on the waiting list for a year... but because I'm a pop star we got to skip the cue. After that we're going to the beach and then we're going to the pool and then we're driving out to the country to go stargazing and write poetry together while eating maccas. EEEEKKKK how does she know me so well, maybe because we've been together for three months now I don't know. 

29th november 2021
Well my dad is the father of Lorianne Keets new chick. That shouldn't have happened but okay... It's a boy and his name is Sexy, so that's cool. He's still my half brother so i went to go see him and well, quite frankly I was cuter, but whatever. I feel bad I shouldn't have a grudge against this kid the day that he hatches, but I just see him and then I see my dad and it feels like he should be a part of my family, in my home, but he isn't and it feels so wrong. I just keep remembering all the things our dad used to do with us and realising that he's gonna do all those things with Sexy and any other kids that he has and that's just so hard for me to think about, because Ovibelle is his daughter too, she's three and she hasn't spent one full day with him, it's just so unfair.

30th december 2021
Aphrodite isn't back yet and so I contacted her and she said that her dad got a really good job there and they're not coming back... I was heartbroken, tomorrow night is new years eve and we were supposed to spend it together. Oh and then she said it would be too hard for us to stay together so she's breaking up with me. After all that we've been through. My whole world is falling apart, I swear, with every word that I read the walls encroach further into my personal space. Is the ceiling falling down... I can't tell because I'M JUST SO SAD. It's okay I can do this. I am Booboo Baggage, super star, sexy ass beast... but am ? If I was who I think I am I'm sure Aphrodite wouldn't have done this. She would have run away from her family and went to busk on the streets to get enough money to come home, to come home and be with me, that's the Aphrodite I know and love, maybe she's changed, maybe she's not that person anymore. Actually that makes way more sense, I mean I know that I'm a sexy ass beast so you know what, I don't need this new Aphrodite, she can go date some italian dude for all I care.

29th January 2022
Today at musical theatre Griffin was being really weird today, call me crazy but I think he might be coming onto me and look I'm not into guys, but if he wants to date me I'm down, I mean I might as well give it a try and plus it will convince the girls that they have more competition so I can dump him for some hot cheerleader or something. You know what I just realised! I've never dated a hot Cheerleader, I Booboo Baggage the first, have never dated a hot cheerleader, but I've never dated a rooster either so one thing at a time. Damn Booboo really is a player, hehe.

28th february 2022
Okay so Griffin asked me out so I was like.. Yeah why not, ya know?  The thing is though just before Griffin asked me out I started talking to this super hot cheerleader called Maia, she's kind of like the head cheerleader. I mean Henny is popular because she dated me... and because she's famous, but whatever I'm still more famous than her now, maybe because I'm more talented, better looking, kinder and WAYYYY more humble than her, but those are just a few random guesses.

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