Volume 2 pt.2

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8th december 2020

I had to go to a meeting with my recording agency today, they said I need to start working on the rest of my EP because normally you are supposed to finish it before you release your lead single, but whatever, I have plenty of inspiration anyway. I went into this weird room with a long table in the middle, sitting at the table were two roosters and a Hen, my agent (Galileo) introduced them as songwriters, here to help me create my EP. Scarlett was the Hen, she had bright red feathers and on the side of her beak was a shimmering diamond, (I heard that beak piercings were super painful), the two roosters were called Bentley and Bartimus and they were twins, identical. They both shared the same grey-ish black feathers and the same beady eyed stares. I took my place next to Scarlett and started rubbing my feathers together. "Hey Booboo, wassupppp", wow Scarlett is so hip, honestly she kind of intimidates me. I was so nervous I was shaking. "Oh heyy" I know, I know, totally uncool I get it I stuffed up. Anyway we ended up writing a song which is cool, it goes like this

Oh yeah, Oh yeah, Oh yeah!

Made my way over here,

To tell you that I loved you dear.

Made my way through the crowd,

With my head held high,

Feeling proud,

Made my way to your front door,

But I could tell that you don't feel our love no more,

Turned around feeling sad,

Bet your standing there feeling glad...

But don't think that I'm still just waitin 'round for you,

And don't think that I'm love with all the stupid things you do

Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah!

You're just so dumb, (yeah, yeah)

When you talk my brain goes numb, (oh yeah)

You're just so stupid (woo hoo)

Think that I'm still struck by cupid (Nuh uh)

When I finally made it home,

Saw that you'd been hitting up my phone,

But I don't have no time for you,

Babe, I have better things to do.

And when I saw what you'd been saying,

It was so damn aggravating,

Can't you just give me some space,

I'm so sick of your dumb face

But don't think that I'm still just waitin 'round for you,

And don't think that I'm love with all the stupid things you do

Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah!

You're just so dumb, (yeah, yeah)

When you talk my brain goes numb, (oh yeah)

You're just so stupid (woo hoo)

Think that I'm still struck by cupid (Nuh uh)

(gets all emotional)

Do you think that I'm just here so that you're entertained,

I'm a chicken can't you see,

Not just a stupid game,

So when I finally realise that I have had enough,

Just go play with your other guys or do your other stuff,

But don't think that I'm still just waitin 'round for you,

And don't think that I'm love with all the stupid things you do

Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah!

You're just so dumb, (yeah, yeah)

When you talk my brain goes numb, (oh yeah)

You're just so stupid (woo hoo)

Think that I'm still struck by cupid (Nuh uh)

Your just so dumb, (yeah, yeah)

When you talk my brain goes numb, (oh yeah)

Your just so stupid (woo hoo)

Think that I'm still struck by cupid (Nuh uh)

You're just so dumb, (yeah, yeah) (sexy high note)

When you talk my brain goes numb, (oh yeah)

You're just so stupid (woo hoo) (sexiest high note)

Think that I'm still struck by cupid (Nuh uh)

Angry guitar riff into fade out

9th January 2021

Today when I was at school Lorri came up to me and kept flirting with me. Does she really think I'm gonna take her back? After all that's happened? I would never, I am a changed Booboo anyway I can not be drawn in by the attractions of Lori Keet. I bet I can guess what she wants from me anyway, my fame. Yes, I'm not the world's biggest pop star... yet, but as of this morning I have 11 million followers on chickstagram. I've released three hit songs, one of which I recorded with Henny, but before long I'm going to be a STAR! To be honest though, seeing Lorri reminds me of what I had with Henny and I don't want to get back with her, not at all, but I miss what we had. It was so simple then, just me, Henny and the world and I miss that. I miss the certainty that came with our relationship, and now I don't have that. I guess it's still exciting to know that anything can happen, hopefully with Aphrodite.

10th february 2021

I'm so excited!!!! Aphrodite invited me to her 17th birthday party! It's going to start at 8:00, end in the early hours of the morning, and there will be alcohol, oh and there aren't gonna be any parents!!! Oh my goodness I'm freaking out so bad, this is so exciting. I asked her who else was invited and she said it was a few of the people from our musical theatre class as well as a bunch of her school friends...I feel like I forgot someone, ummm... Oh! And her Danish cousin Molly who moved here last year. I'm really excited to meet her, not as excited as I am to see Aphrodite of course, as she is the highlight of my life, but still excited. Aphrodite said that even when Molly was in Denmark they were still really close and that they mean a lot to each other so it's just nice to be let into her life like that.

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