Volume 2 part 6

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23rd July 2022
So it's the day of the party and I'm very excited. I don't really like Maia as much as I used too though, I think the fact that she killed Griffin is starting to get to me, but I'm worried that if I broke up with her that she would kill me, she's a little obsessive like that. Anyway I'm gonna pick her up at 8:00 and we'll head over. Geraldine is going to drive Elly because they're annoying and I don't want them in the car with us.
We got to the party and as I walked in they started playing my Ep, knock knock, go stream it now on Roostify. Anyway so Maia and I stayed together for around an hour and then she went to go dance with Lorri. I was hanging out with Henry, but then Henny came up to me so he left and I stayed and talked to her. "Hey Boo, how are you and Maia going?" I had trouble breathing for a second... she was, well she was beautiful. I mean she always has been but I want to be with her so bad right now, I mean it's not my fault, I'm so bored of Maia and I was gonna break up with her later anyway, so is it so wrong for me to be attracted to Henny. I mean it's Henny, surely no one would be surprised by it. Breathe Booboo, don't stuff up. "I don't know we're fine, but I think I'm gonna break up with her later."  Henny raised a wing to my cheek, looked me in the eye and leaned in a little, but I being the rooster of morality I am leaned back as Henny spoke, "Awww Booboo you must be sad", I peeled her wing off my cheek, "No actually, not really."
"Awwww Booboo, I know you, I think you need someone to comfort you"
"Oh yes"
"Henny, what are you insinuating?"
"Oh you know Booboo, I'm single, your going to be in a few hours anyway so why wait until tomorrow"
"Henny I'm really in no hurry to revisit our relationship"
"Yes you are, I can see it in your eyes Booboo, oh and I brought you a drink"
"No Henny I'm trying to resist you, the last thing I need is to be intoxicated by whatever it is you brought me"
"Then let me intoxicate you with my personality, and my beautiful feathers"
"Henny I-"
"Shhhhh Booboo"
"Henny you're making me really quite uncomfortable right now" but it was no use, she planted a little kiss on my cheek, and then on my lips and we found some privacy...
Even though I'm no longer in love with Maia I just feel weird about cheating on her, some people might say that these feelings are justified, I can't say whether I fully agree or not, however I still can't help feeling them. Straight afterwards I pulled Maia off the dance floor to break up with her, she broke into tears and collapsed onto the ground... you know I just hate it when people break into tears in front of me, Griffin did too, before... well anyway. I asked her if she wanted a lift home, she said it would probably be a bit of a burden for me to drive the extra twenty minutes to her house and that she doesn't wanna make the car ride awkward. I said that she was right, but I have some standards and I didn't want to break her heart and then make her go up to someone and ask for a ride, especially while she was looking the way she did. So we both said goodbye to our friends and made our way to the car. The car trip was very awkward and silent except for Maia's quiet sniffles and chokes. I dropped her home, she looked at me and whispered a quiet little thank you before she quietly slipped out of the car, it almost made me feel bad for her.

24th July 2022
I received a text from Galileo this morning, he said that I should start working on my debut album. I said okay and made my way down to the studio immediately. I went into the writing room and sure enough, sitting near the end of the table were Scarlett, Bentley and Bartimus. "Hey dude" Scarlett was wearing bright red hightop converse with knee high socks. She'd died her hair black and was wearing a red beanie. Very much her aesthetic, she's really cool. "Hey Scarlett, Bentley, Bartimus, how are you guys?" Scarlett looked at me for a second as if she was studying my face, honestly it was kind of terrifying. "You can call me Scar now because I like you", one thing I like about Scarlett is her blunt nature, you always know where you stand with her. "Umm, okay sure, so do you have any ideas for some songs?"
"Well has anything happened to you recently?" this the first time I'd ever heard Bentley speak, I'm yet to say the same for Bartimus.
"Well I was dating this guy called Griffin, he got murdered, and then I started dating someone else called Maia that same day, you know to help me stop thinking about Griffin, and then I broke up with her yesterday and spent some time with Henny and yeah it's actually been a while so a lot has happened"
"Yeah clearly, you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine" and then Bartimus chipped in, for the first time,
"Isn't Maia that cheerleader girl that's all over your instagram from the last three months"
"Yeah it is, why?"
"And she's single?"
"Yeah, why?"
"No reason." Luckily Scarlett chipped in before it got awkward.
""Tell me about Griffin." I racked my brain for ways to explain what we had. It was wild, it was free, it was full of pain. "Well I started to think he was coming onto me, so I decided to date him to elevate my social status, but then there was a slight problem... I'm straight and he's a guy. I did kind of love him, but it was weird so I broke up with him and then he got... well he died." Scarlett used the information that I'd given her and this is the song we came up with:

I see it in your eyes
A hunger that can't be disguised,
I see it when you look at me,
Let's go wild on the count of three...

But there's something I must say,
Baby I'm not really gay.

Let me give you a try,
Let me give this a shot,
Tell me you're gonna cry,
Baby can you not.

I can smell it on your breath,
This love will lead to your death,
I don't want to break your heart,
But we saw it coming from the start

But there's something I must say,
Baby I'm not really gay.

Let me give you a try,
Let me give this a shot,
Tell me you're gonna cry,
Baby can you not.

I can tell your getting close
Close to the word love
Baby I don't want you thinking
That I was sent here from above,
I'm just a humble rooster,
And I'm here to break your heart.
You should have seen it coming,
Seen it from the start.

But there's something I must say,
Baby I'm not really gay.

Let me give you a try,
Let me give this a shot,
Tell me you're gonna cry,
Baby can you not.

(drums pick up)
But there's something I must say, (high note)
Baby I'm not really gay.

(super angry guitar, but sexy)

Let me give you a try, (deep and manly low note)
Let me give this a shot,
Tell me you're gonna cry, (yelling)
Baby can you not.

I'm quite proud of it and I think that it very accurately describes a few of my feelings while in the relationship. The thing is the more I think about it the more guilty I feel, and I mean the way things are going, if I keep up this mindset I feel like it's going to get to the point where I will wish I could apologise, but I can't and I'm worried. I don't wanna regret what happened between us and I know that I did it for the wrong reasons, I can accept that now, but that doesn't mean the whole thing was wrong. I gave Griffin a chance to turn me gay, something he failed at, but still a chance is a chance and not many people would have done that. I'm worried about the reaction I'm going to get when I release the song, it's a very personal one and I just don't want my fans 'cancelling' me when the don't even know the full story. I'm still going to release the song, I think that really helps with the healing process, I just don't really want to be criticized for it.

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