Volume 2 part 5

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25th may 2022
It's me and Maia's one month anniversary tomorrow, it's also the one month anniversary of Griffin's death, but let's not put a damper on a happy day. We're going on a date, but she hasn't told me where we're going yet, she wants it to be a surprise which is cool. You know what's weird? After Griffin died, there was an investigation into how he was killed and it was all over the news and everything just went quiet. I'm assuming that it's because Maia's dad is the chief of police and her mum is the prime minister and they blackmailed everyone into covering up the evidence that Maia killed Griffin. I don't know sometimes when I'm falling asleep I think is it weird to date someone who killed your ex in a fit of rage and jealousy, but then I think, she did it because she loved me and she's so pretty and anyway Griffin wanted to die so I don't really think it's that bad. You can't stop love anyway, if it's meant to be it will be and that's how I feel about Maia. Oh and Aphrodite contacted me again for the first time since she told me she was staying in Italy. She's dating some dude called Luigi... It's fine I've dated two people since she left in november last year, so I guess she's allowed to move on too, although I find it kind of sad knowing that she doesn't still think about me all the time. I mean I'm Booboo Baggage, everyone falls in love with me at one point in their life, but once I know that someone likes me or loves me it's so hard for me to digest the fact that they don't anymore, it's not that I don't want her dating Luigi, it's that I want to be special, I want to be one of those Roosters that Hens still talk to their friends about for years to come, and knowing that that may not be the case is hard for me to deal with. Anyway she posted her first picture with him on Chickstagram and he is pretty cute, not gonna lie. He has a nice collection of deep brown feathers, very fluffy, I'm still hotter though, always will be.

24th June 2022
Me and Maia have been together for two months now, and me and Aphrodite have been talking a lot, which is cool, but we're just being friendly I promise. She told me that she's coming back from Italy to visit everyone for a week and she's going to throw a party at Molly's house. I asked if she knew anyone else that was going, she said that Geraldine could come, and obviously she will because she's Geraldine, but Henny is invited, Griffin (I had to tell her that he wouldn't be coming, but I didn't think it would be good to explain why over text), Lorri, Henry, and Haybale that weird drunk chick from the last party. I guess the gang's back together, she also said that me and Geraldine could bring a friend each, I'm obviously bringing Maia and Geraldine is going to bring Elly so that's cool. The party is next month so I have heaps of time to sort everything out.

I went into the living room to tell Geraldine about the party and she had Elly over. Geraldine started talking about bringing Caitlin back from the dead... Elly was asking whether she wanted to bring her back to life or just as a ghost, but then Geraldine said that she wants to bring her back as a ghost so that she can't just die again. I swear those girls are crazy, but whatever.

23rd July 2022
So it's the day of the party and I'm very excited. I don't really like Maia as much as I used too though, I think the fact that she killed Griffin is starting to get to me, but I'm worried that if I broke up with her that she would kill me, she's a little obsessive like that. Anyway I'm gonna pick her up at 8:00 and we'll head over. Geraldine is going to drive Elly because they're annoying and I don't want them in the car with us.
We got to the party and as I walked in they started playing my Ep, knock knock, go stream it now on Roostify. Anyway so Maia and I stayed together for around an hour and then she went to go dance with Lorri. I was hanging out with Henry, but then Henny came up to me so he left and I stayed and talked to her. "Hey Boo, how are you and Maia going?" I had trouble breathing for a second... she was, well she was beautiful. I mean she always has been but I want to be with her so bad right now, I mean it's not my fault, I'm so bored of Maia and I was gonna break up with her later anyway, so is it so wrong for me to be attracted to Henny. I mean it's Henny, surely no one would be surprised by it. Breathe Booboo, don't stuff up. "I don't know we're fine, but I think I'm gonna break up with her later."  Henny raised a wing to my cheek, looked me in the eye and leaned in a little, but I being the rooster of morality I am leaned back as Henny spoke, "Awww Booboo you must be sad", I peeled her wing off my cheek, "No actually, not really."
"Awwww Booboo, I know you, I think you need someone to comfort you"
"Oh yes"
"Henny, what are you insinuating?"
"Oh you know Booboo, I'm single, your going to be in a few hours anyway so why wait until tomorrow"
"Henny I'm really in no hurry to revisit our relationship"
"Yes you are, I can see it in your eyes Booboo, oh and I brought you a drink"
"No Henny I'm trying to resist you, the last thing I need is to be intoxicated by whatever it is you brought me"
"Then let me intoxicate you with my personality, and my beautiful feathers"
"Henny I-"
"Shhhhh Booboo"
"Henny you're making me really quite uncomfortable right now" but it was no use, she planted a little kiss on my cheek, and then on my lips and we found some privacy...
Even though I'm no longer in love with Maia I just feel weird about cheating on her, some people might say that these feelings are justified, I can't say whether I fully agree or not, however I still can't help feeling them. Straight afterwards I pulled Maia off the dance floor to break up with her, she broke into tears and collapsed onto the ground... you know I just hate it when people break into tears in front of me, Griffin did too, before... well anyway. I asked her if she wanted a lift home, she said it would probably be a bit of a burden for me to drive the extra twenty minutes to her house and that she doesn't wanna make the car ride awkward. I said that she was right, but I have some standards and I didn't want to break her heart and then make her go up to someone and ask for a ride, especially while she was looking the way she did. So we both said goodbye to our friends and made our way to the car. The car trip was very awkward and silent except for Maia's quiet sniffles and chokes. I dropped her home, she looked at me and whispered a quiet little thank you before she quietly slipped out of the car, it almost made me feel bad for her.

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