Death Cat

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*Fives added Echo, Rex, Jesse, Kix, Tup and Hardcase to the chat*

Fives: hey guys, could you, uh, could you come to the hangar?

Echo: yeah we kinda need you all

Kix: oh god who died

Tup: 😳 do you think someone really died?

Kix: you never know with those two

Fives: so basically

Rex: 🙄 oh here we go

Echo: me and Fives were on a mission. We had to go and steal some intel from the seppies.

Fives: yeah, the mission went fine, but when we were leaving one of our speeders broke.

Echo: and obviously I wasn't going to let Fives ride with me, so we were kinda stuck.

Jesse: oh, this'll be good. I can already tell.

Fives: so I'm sitting there, machine grease on my-

Echo: ANYWAY, I went off with my speeder to see if I could find a village where we could get another speeder for Fives.

Fives: and I got left with the wreckage of the broken speeder. Yay me. Anyway, while Echo is gone, this flipping huge cat walks up.

Tup: a cat?

Fives: yeah, I literally just told you. A cat.

Hardcase: do you mean huge as in a smidge bigger than average, or huge as in oh my god it could swallow us in one bite.

Fives: eh, the second one.

Rex: *facepalms*

Fives: but it doesn't really do anything, right? It just sits there purring. It's flipping adorable.

Kix: adorable? I thought you said it could swallow you in one bite!

Fives: yeah, it's big, but it's also really fluffy and cute. Like seriously it's just an overgrown kitten. So I walk over and sit down next to it.

Jesse: 😂 you do what now?

Fives: oh it's fine, it doesn't eat me. It just kinda purrs louder. Then I start stroking it, and it's SO FLUFFY!

Echo: anyway at this point I come back because I couldn't find a village, so I'm in a pretty bad mood because there's no way we're getting another speeder, right? So imagine the look on my face when I roll up to Fives and he's sitting there next to this flipping death cat.

Hardcase: 🤣🤣🤣 oh god!

Echo: and I'm like, "oh my god Fives look out there's a death cat sitting right behind you!"

Fives: and then I'm like "nah chill it's tame" and then I swear the cat must have heard me or something because, get this, it looks up, meows really loudly and wraps its tail around me.

Echo: and because I had no idea what was going on, I start flipping out about this freaking huge death cat while Fives is just sitting there stroking this thing's tail.

Tup: I like cats.

Kix: yeah, but you're terrified of lots of things including anything bigger than a speeder bike, so you probably would have been screaming by this point.

Fives: nah, you would've loved this cat. Anyway, so Echo is having a panic attack in the background and since this death cat is clearly tame and I don't want to worry him, I climb on the cat's back and I'm like, "hey Echo look I'm riding a death cat!" And he was like "OH MY GOD FIVES YOU'RE GONNA DIE GET THE HELL OFF THE DEATH CAT'S BACK!" so I was like, "nah chill bro look" and I sorta urge the cat on, and he starts running, so I start riding the death cat back towards our rv point.

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