April Fool's Day

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*Anakin added Ahsoka, Obi Wan, Satine, Padmé, Rex, Fives, Echo, Jesse, Kix, Tup, Hardcase and Quinlan to the chat*

Anakin: guys! It's April 1st!

Quinlan: yesssss

Obi Wan: oh, not this again

Satine: *hides in a cupboard*

Padmé: oh no

Rex: *winces*

Ahsoka: oh ****

Anakin: *gasp!* Ahsoka! What did you just say?

Ahsoka: I said, oh ****

Anakin: Snips, you can't use that kind of language! This is a kids show!

Fives: um, what?

Echo: he's doing that thing again

Padmé: yeah, wdym "kids show"?

Anakin: ughhhhh, I swear, the directors spend way too much money on the fourth wall these days. Our budget would be so much bigger if they just didn't bother.

Jesse: I would say it's a prank, but this is actually about the normal level of craziness for Skywalker.

Kix: it's April fools day. Anything is possible.

Tup: shhhh! Don't mention April 1st! He might forget if we're lucky!

Anakin: I didn't forget, actually.

Tup: gosh dang it!

Anakin: but never fear, amigos. This year we're doing something different. We're gonna prank the separatists!

Quinlan: WOOOOOOOOO! 🥳

Obi Wan: ok, that's actually a pretty good idea.

Anakin: of course it is

Ahsoka: hey look, here come count Dooku and Wat Tambor

Satine: where did they come from?

Ahsoka: idk

Padmé: ugh, they're so dumb. Being in the republic is so much better than being a separatist.

Hardcase: maybe we can convince them to change sides.

Anakin: yo dudes, the Republic's pretty chill! Maybe you could, like, join it or something?

Ahsoka: I don't think it worked.

Padmé: nice try, Ani.

Anakin: if it didn't work, then we'll just prank them instead.

Obi Wan: wait, is this like getting revenge?

Anakin: yea, it's like... revenge of the... Jedi. Or something.

Satine: revenge of the Jedi?

Anakin: I'm still working on the title. I'll forward it to George Lucas.

Echo: who now?

Anakin: nvm...

Fives: hey guys check out this fake pizza I found!

Tup: why is there a fake pizza?

Hardcase: imma try eat it!



Anakin: oh, has my fake pizza been delivered?

Padmé: you ordered a fake pizza? I didn't even know that was a thing

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