Jedi Prank War

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*Obi Wan added SkyGuy, Snips, Mace Windu, Yoda, Aayla, Plo, KitKat Fisto, Adi Gallia, Luminara, Barriss and Ki Adi Mundi to the chat*

Obi Wan: ok, now we're all here, we need to discuss something important. SOMEONE MESSED WITH MY TEA AND I WANT TO KNOW WHO IT WAS!!!

Snips: calm down master Kenobi, I'm sure we'll find whoever it was eventually.

Obi Wan: hmmm maybe, but I already have my suspicions.

SkyGuy: I already told you, it wasn't me! Whoever did it is a genius though, maybe they can give me some tips if we find them.


SkyGuy: whatever. I'm going to go do some... ah... regulation inspections, yeah. Bye.

Snips: for once, I really think it wasn't him. I was with him all last night, we were, uh, practising our meditation.

Obi Wan: oh sure. Like Anakin would ever voluntarily do meditation.

Yoda: agree with Obi Wan I do. Suspicious, you seem. Tell us where you were last night, why do you not?

Snips: oh fine, we were putting a blue ink bomb in Master Windu's closet.

Mace Windu: wha-HEY!!!

*he goes to check his closet and is immediately drenched in blue ink*

Snips: you really fell right into that one.

*anakin jumps out of the vents holding a camera*

SkyGuy: lol, I videoed it. Now we can blackmail master Windu 😈

*the camera explodes in his hand*

Aayla and Kit, from the other vents: hehehe lol

SkyGuy: you made my camera explode?! 🤯

KitKat Fisto: don't worry, we made sure the footage was saved.


Anakin and Ahsoka: no!!!

*they run and make a pillow fort in the barracks*

Snips: you'll never take us alive!

Barriss: mind if I join you? I put purple dye in Master Unduli's face cream and I do not want to be in the vicinity when she realises she looks like a giant grape.

SkyGuy: welcome aboard!

Ki Adi Mundi: this is getting out of hand. We have to stop the pranksters.

Yoda: agree with you, I do. An idea, does anyone have?

Adi Gallia: well, they say to fight fire with fire...

Luminara: no. We're not stooping to their level. I refuse!

Adi Gallia: oh come on, pranking them into submission would probably work and also be really fun.

Aayla: did you switch makeup products?

Luminara: no, why?

KitKat Fisto: no reason. *sniggers*

Mace Windu: your face is purple.

KitKat Fisto: awww, buzzkill.

Luminara: WHAT???

KitKat Fisto: thanks a lot, Windu. You're boring.

Aayla: Kit's right. We're going to go join Anakin and Ahsoka in their pillow fort.

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