Cody Has No Soul

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*Rex added Fives, Echo, Jesse, Anakin and Cody to the chat*

Fives: hey guys what are we doing

Rex: I need witnesses

Echo: oh no who got murdered

Rex: What?! Nobody got murdered! Why is that always your first assumption?

Echo: let's be real, we're in a chat with Fives, Jesse and Anakin

Rex: ok fair enough

Anakin: so what are we doing here?

Rex: like I said, I need witnesses. Basically, I was speedrunning minecraft, but then Cody came in and told me I was doing really badly.


Cody: ... yeah. I did. And then Rex said that if he was doing so badly, then I should see if I could do any better

Anakin: I smell trickery

Cody: I know, right? He's up to something.

Rex: no, I just want a room full of witnesses for when you fail miserably

Fives: ohhhhh I get it. So when Cody fails he can't pretend that it wasn't fair or try to pretend he didn't fail.

Cody: why are you all assuming I'm gonna fail?

Everyone: 😶

Jesse: ok get started.

Cody: I've spawned in this forest. Ok, this shouldn't be too hard.

Fives: (watch this) *enters Cody's world and pretends to be a creeper*



Rex: ok, stop mucking about. Don't give him an excuse to say we made him fail. I want him to fail by himself.

Cody: 😤

Anakin: lol he nearly fell off that cliff. And why is he moving so slow?

Cody: dammit I forgot to eat

Echo: loser

Cody: ugh come here sheep. Why do animals have to move so much?

Fives: *facepalms*

Cody: this is actually going kinda well

Rex: I wouldn't call it speedrunning though. You're going slower than Tup in the mornings.

Fives: I'm telling him you said that

Cody: this would be a lot easier if you could stop arguing

Echo: bruh you literally just ran straight past that iron

Cody: I don't need iron. I'm going to the nether.

Rex: bruh what

Jesse: *facepalms*

Anakin: should we tell him?

Echo: someone's gonna have to

Cody: tell me what

Anakin: you're gonna need armour

Cody: no I won't. Imma just get in and out without fighting anything.

Jesse: tell that to all the stuff that wants to kill you

Rex: you really do suck at minecraft

Cody: NO I DON'T

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