Ceremoniously United

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Selene stared in awe at the mass of witches and wizards gathered around her in what they called the "Great Hall." She could see where it got it's name. It was terrifyingly massive, rows upon rows of dining tables lining the room that was quickly being filled with eager students.

They're waiting for something, Selene noted. She had never seen this many people gathered in one place, much less had she expected it to be now of all times. The lanterns by the windows failed to disguise the thick darkness that swirled in the wind outside. The moon didn't help much either as it was a sliver of it's normal self, a dimly lit crescent that provided as little light as the human eye could possibly detect.


Luna gestured for her to come forward rather than sit down like the other junior witches and wizards. She guided her to the front of the room in which a group of adults were waiting for her with curious eyes (although one, an obvious Slytherin, simply watched her expressionlessly).

"Thank you very much Miss Lovegood for taking care of this new student." A witch with silver hair peeking through her hat and a stern mannerism nodded to the blonde.

"I asked a certain Weasley to do so." Annoyance danced across her face for a brief moment. "But it seems that you've done more than he ever could. Please take your seat." The long feather on the woman's hat twitched.

Luna gave a bright smile to Selene and hugged her quickly before sitting down. A small red tint became momentarily noticeable, which only made her smile that much more beautiful. Her spot was quickly replaced by a man with a majestic and mysterious aura about him. His gray beard that was tied at the end, his long grey robes and wizard's hat that completed it, and the way he exerted his authority without even having to speak spoke paragraphs about what type of figure he was. Gentle yet firm.

The man's hand placed itself onto her left shoulder and a hush swept it's way across the Great Hall. Selene tried her hardest to find Luna's face, hoping to have the slightest amount of reassurance before anything began. She had spotted her sitting on the far end of the Ravenclaw table (which was second closest to one of the walls and right next to Gryffindor). Her eyes said everything that Selene needed and wanted to hear.

Everything would be okay. This was odd but necessary.

The grip on her shoulder tightened ever so slightly when the man began to speak.

"Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before this special ceremony takes place, and before the First Year ceremony begins afterwards, allow me to say a few words."

A few murmurs could be heard from the Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor table, all of which had members that had already interacted with the reserved girl in front of them.

"It is not often that a witch or wizard is admitted to our fine establishment outside of their first year, much less their fourth."

The man spoke calmly and clearly, annunciating every word carefully and without error. Not a single syllable was wasted on anything that he said.

"But this year is different," His speech continued, "We have received word recently that there would be a young witch, Selene Chaunte, attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry after studying in a different school for years."

All eyes in the Great Hall were focused on her. Selene didn't even meet their gaze, instead choosing to focus on an elegant paper bird that was fluttering above. It twirled and danced around with it's thin little wings effortlessly. She was amazed at how easy it was to tune everyone out at this place.

"Excuse me, Miss Chaunte?"

The curious eyes had become expectant ones.

"S-sir?" Selene sputtered, unsure of what she was supposed to be doing.

Of Moon and Stars | Luna Lovegood x Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now