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Everyone's comments made me laugh my ass off so I got motivation to keep writing, THANK YOU EVERYONE 🫶🫶😋


The lights flashed different colours as Clay and Nick stared at each other. Clay was visibly annoyed as he leaned in with furrowed eyebrows. Nick only had an unbothered face as he stared at him.

"He's not yours." Nick finally broke the silence as he leaned back, straightening himself.

Clay bit his bottom lip as he straightened his back as well, now staring Nick down with the same look as before.

"Not yours either-" Clay muttered as he started to turn around, he had enough.

"He will be." The shorter guy grinned, with his hands in his pockets as he watched the other stop in his tracks.

"You'll never get him-" The dirty blonde didn't turn around, his back still faced at the shorter guy.

"We'll see, you wanna make a bet?" He chuckled a little, but he was dead serious. He was ready to challenge the CEO.

There was a loud silence, even though there was music booming around the place. The silence was deafening.

"Sure. The one who gets him to fall for him first wins." Clay answered before walking away, disappearing into the crowd with girls now fawning over him again, grabbing his arm and giggling and all that.

George on the other hand was pissed off. I mean who wouldn't be? He scoffed a little as he went through the crowd of people, pushing some out of his way as he made his way to the staff bathroom.
He made it into the bathroom after pushing through so many people, god it was exhausting. Staring at himself in the mirror as he brushed his hair back with his fingers, sighing slightly.

"Both suck, honestly, both are so selfish," he mumbled under his breath as he leaned against the sinks sides.

"But the money is worth it,, maybe I can make this beneficial for myself," he thought to himself as he grinned slightly.

"Drinking on the job, huh?" A low voice says as George unbothered by it, turns to look at the person.

"Why do you care? You're not my boss," he mumbled as he kept sipping his drink.

"Bitchy as always aren't we?" Nick grinned as he sat next to him, waving his hand for the bartender. "What's your relationship with,, Clay?"

George let out a dry chuckle as he rolled his eyes, leaning slightly back while his eyes then turned to Nick. "Why? Are you jealous?~"

"Maybe,," he chuckled as he leaned in, "and what if I am?"

George leaned closer, their breaths hitting each other as he slowly moved his hand up Nick's cheek, gently rubbing it. "I could care fucking less."

Nick let out a sigh as he pulled the brunette into a kiss. "He's dangerous." He mumbled after pulling off the kiss.

"I like dangerous." He replied as he licked his lips.

Nick gripped George's thigh. "Come with me won't you, darling?" He smiled as he rubbed his thigh gently.

"I'll think about it,," he leaned in, "Are you good?" He asked as he smiled a little, his hand slowly going down and rubbing Nick's crotch.

"I'll show you, darling." He leaned in as well, but leaning closer to his ear, whispering something to him.

"Alright, I walk first, you stay three steps behind me." George gulped the rest of his drink down before standing up, placing his hand on Nick's shoulder before walking away.

Nick quickly got up waiting a few seconds before following.



Also should I start writing on Ao3, cause I can write about genshin, animes and other stuff, if y'all want- mostly smut, gxg, gxb, bxb, etc I can do all 🥱 except weird ass kinks 😭

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