Chapter 3

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Years later, Lucy was as beautiful as ever. She was seventeen and living her life. Boys were still lining up, hoping to be her soulmate. And Natsu was still with her as her best friend. But, this time, Lucy wasn't the only one who had blossomed. 

Lucy hid a smirk while she watched Natsu being mobbed by a rabid pack of fangirls. As funny as it was, Lucy still couldn't understand why the girls still chased after him. It was apparent that they weren't soulmates because they both still had time on their wrists, and even if they had somehow magically become soulmates, Lucy would know. Natsu couldn't hide anything from her.

Natsu finally escaped the terrifying group of women and sat down next to Lucy, looking exhausted. "It must be so tiring to be popular," Lucy said mockingly. Natsu half-heartedly glared at her. "Shut up, Luce. You know how hard it is to escape fangirls."

"Actually, I don't. Considering that my fanboys are much more tame and respectable than your fangirls," said Lucy giggling. "Plus, you know that you love the attention," Lucy teased. "What! Why would I? It's too exhausting!"

"Liar. I don't even see why the girls chase after you."

"Luce, why are you so mean?" He whined.

Lucy snorted, "If only you heard half of the things I've said about you." Lucy said, grinning. "Wait, what? Luce! Luce!" Natsu pestered but was cut off when the teacher came in. That didn't stop him from talking to her during class, which didn't work because Lucy would ignore him and keep smiling.

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