Chapter 10 - Final Chapter

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Lucy looked up at him with her eyes wide. "What? H-How? What do you mean?"

This is not what Lucy was expecting, not at all what she was expecting. But she wasn't complaining because if he had no time left, it could mean-

"Nothing, I have no time left. I've reached my limit. Zero-zilch. It's been like that for as long as I can remember." Natsu muttered, snapping her out of her thoughts.

Her mouth was open in shock. It had to be! "I know it's not normal, but it's not like it's my fault!" Natsu continued. "I'm sorry for everything. For lying, for falling in love with you... I'm so sorry."

It was silent.

"Lucy? Please say something, anything."

Lucy jumped off of her swing and tackled Natsu into a hug. "Oomph!" His surprise was cut short by Lucy's lips meeting his own.

Natsu kissed her back, even if he was baffled on why she would kiss him over that.

"Me too," Lucy said after kissing him. "What?" Natsu asked, gasping for air. "I've had no time since the first time I looked at it, from what I remember anyway."

Natsu freezes, "Are you serious? Are you completely serious?" Lucy nodded fervently. "Do you think...?" Natsu didn't need to finish the question. "I mean, we've known each other since we were really young. There would be no way to know. And even if we weren't, it wouldn't matter, right? I mean, it's not like we would have anyone else, so why not continue this?"

It was unbelievable, amazing, too perfect. Lucy kissed him again, and there's no reason to tear them apart this time. None. So he doesn't protest, doesn't doubt anything when he wraps his arms around her in a warm embrace. They're together. They can be together now. Forever.

Nothing is in their way.

"All of this time..." Lucy managed to get out, somewhere between a laugh and a sob. Her eyes are slightly teary from before. "All of this time," Natsu repeated. Everything he wanted—they wanted—is more than just a possibility now. It's a guarantee.

It didn't matter that the sun was starting to rise and that they were still outside, that they would only get a few hours of sleep. All that mattered was that they were holding onto each other tightly, lips locked, and hearts thudding in their chests.

Lucy pulled back, Natsu whined at a loss. She rested her hand on Natsu's cheek, leaned in to press one last quick and chaste kiss against his lips before he pulled back and took her hand. Their fingers were intertwined.

"Let's go back inside. We've got forever to do this."

There was an Asian legend. It varied between each country, but the tale was the same. It was said that the gods tied a red cord around the hands of those fated to meet. The line could tangle, stretch, and even knot, but it could never break. The two people were connected by the thread, regardless of place, time, and circumstance. The two combined were destined to love each other, no matter what. Later on, they were called soulmates.

The End

Thank you for reading, see you in the next book. 

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