Chapter 4

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For once in a long while, it wasn't Lucy who needed the comforting. It was her pink-haired, enthusiastic partner. Her lovable, cheerful, kind best friend was hurt. But, not the physical kind of breaking he usually goes through, but the kind of wounding that leaves a hole in your heart. It pulled her so much to see him like this. It hurt her even more because he was hurting from one of the things she wished would never fall upon him.

His father, Igneel Dragneel, had passed away. Igneel, the more like her father than her actual one, was killed in a tragic fire. He passed away while helping others. A fireman. Just because of his damn job as a fireman. And as much as she wanted to wallow in sadness and despair, she was a woman on a mission. Her best friend had, understandably, locked himself into his room. His mother, Grandeeney, and his sister, Wendy, couldn't get him out of his room. So, they turned to the one person who could, Lucy. Lucy knew that it wasn't gonna be easy. She had been in the same exact situation a few years before. But, she had Natsu at that time, and he has her now.

Natsu was quiet.

This was new for Natsu, who was as loud and energetic as they come. It had probably been a few days since the... incident. He honestly didn't know. All the things he tries to remember are in a blur, voices were soft and murmured, and faces were shadowed. He knew it wasn't right to lock himself in, that others like Lucy, his mom, and Wendy were also suffering. But it was just so hard.

One moment, he's laughing and joking around with his dad. Going on their monthly fishing trips. Having their father-son-bonding days and just talking. Then the next, his father's gone. And he's alone. Natsu shuffled into his blanket cocoon even further when he heard a tentative knock. He felt terrible for ignoring his mom again, but he just wanted to hide from anything and everyone. Natsu sat up in shock when he heard his mother's voice and Lucy's feminine voice.

"Natsu?" He stayed silent. "Can I come in?" She tried again in a soft voice.

He shook his head, forgetting that she couldn't see him. But, he did get up, which was an improvement. He walked to the door, although he didn't open it. He slid his back down the door, letting his face fall into his hands, pushing his hair up. He felt terrible for shutting her out, but she'd understand, right? After all, she did the same thing to him when her mother died. He heard her slide down the door, taking the same position as him. He could feel her warmth from the other side. 

He could hear her softly singing a song, which she sang when she thought about her mom. "I've seen fire, and I've seen rain. I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end. I've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend. But I always thought that I'd see you again." She softly sang. Natsu closed his eyes, wanting to just listen to her. He sighed, stood up, and opened the door. He let her in. When their eyes met, she quickly hugged him. And they just stood there, only a foot inside his bedroom, hugging, kissing each other. 

Natsu inhaled, just taking in her vanilla and cherry blossom scent. Lucy burrowed her head into his shoulder, taking in that he will be okay, that they'll be okay.

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