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Hey my 8ros as you weird humans call your friends! It's me Vriska!!!!!!!! Although I am 8usy saving everyone's asses 8y fixing up John and Terezi's mistakes I have found time to respond to you all. Aren't I nice? :::;)

Okay so here is the first question!

"I love the number 8, I love messing up stuff, and I love spiderz. Can we be BEH friends? It would also be fun if we scared my sister. She hates spiders."

Ooh! The num8er 8 is the 8esssssssst num8er. Messing up stuff? Do you mean causing shenanigans? :::;)
Aaaaaaaand your an arachnid lover? Well okay fine we can 8e morails or as you humans call it '8EH FRIENDS'. We shall also scare your sister, h8ing spiders is stupid 8OOOOOOOO YOUR SISTER!
((*Admin storms in*
*admin disappears in a puff of smoke*))
Oh 8uzz of admin! I hope my 8EH friend understands I mean no harm to said 8EH friend's sister....may8e.

The next question isn't really a question. I lied to you. Oh well.
So admin asked my 8ro Dancing_Samurai to make a cover for my ask 8ook. THANK YOU FOR THREE GR8 COVERS! They are so gr8 in face that I cannot choose which one! So go to Dancing_Samurai 's page find the 8ook "Covers" and look at the three made for me then come 8ack here and comment which one you like the 8est #1 #2 or #3! Whichever one has the most votes will 8e my cover!!!!!!!!
Sounds exciting? Then do it. I DARE YOU! Well I've got to go my 8ros 8UH 8YE!

Ask Vriska Serket!!!!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now