Some Questions ::::)

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Heyyyyyyyy everyone! :::;) I hear this is some holiday humans celebrate. So happy holidays :::;)

"If you are still taking questions, I have three
1: If you were about 6 Alternian sweeps old, does that mean you were mind controlling feeding other trolls to your lusus as a wiggler, because that's pretty badass.
2: What's your opinion on Feferi?
3: Would you kill all cerulean bloods if they tried to save a lower caste?" - Creationerror

Gr8 questions! For the first one my answer is this explanation. Trolls aging periods are different that humans m. Sweeps are a8out 2 years for humans. So I was thirteen human years when the game started. 8ut I fed my Lusus soon after I finished my wiggler stage. And thank you Id like to say I am very 8adass ::::)

Hmmmmmmmm my opinion on Feferi ::::? Well we don't talk all that much 8ut she seems okay. I mean she treats others fairly even though of her high 8lood caste. So I like her I guess :::;) she's a lot more tolera8le than her loser of a morail.

Okay last question. That's a tough one I don't really think I would kill them for helping a lower caste. ::::p I mean I tolerate Tavros and he's lower 8lood, I don't really care much a8out the hemospectrum 8ecause truth 8 told... IM 8ETTER THAN ALL OF THEM ::::D

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