Im 8ack!

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So here's the first question.

"Why do you hate Sage Isoragi so much?" -CreepyPastaMaster

Who? I admit when I first read this comment I was a little confused, which is VERY rare for me. So after countless searches on various Alternian and human websites I discovered something known as Deviant Art. Wow may8e I do h8 him after having to search so much. I pro8a8ly fed him to my lusus at some point 8ut would have otherwise had no other contact with him. Although I usually have a strong disliking for most people I do not feel the strong 8lood 8oiling h8red of a kismesiship for him. Though if the idea amuses me just for the hell of it I might just head on over to Deviant Art and say hello to him, WITH MY SWORD! ::::D

Next question! :::;)
"Hey Vriska. I'm your sign. And I have a question. Who do you feel 'red' for?"-@NepGamKarSol

Wow a lot of people surrrrrrrre are interested in my relationships! 8y the way a certain atrocious Admin is my sign as well, CONGRATULATIONS YOU HAVE THE LEAST LAME SIGN OF THE ZODIAC. Okay so who am I red for? Weeeeeeeell I did have a certain 'thing' for Meenah. 8ut now I am alive again, and she isn't. So that sort of br8s up that ship... ::::(
I am glad I am alive and all 8ut I might just take a br8 from d8ing anyone. Or may8e I'll just hang with John ::::) after all he did save my life. 8Y RUDLY PUNCHING ME IN THE FACE! Who knows? You will all just have to w8 and find out :::;)

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