HEY IM 8ACK AGAIN! Also quadrants.

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So hey there my 8ros who also happen to have a nose. That's the saying right? I'm just gonna pretend I actually know shit a8out your L8ME human lingo. So after a while I have decided to return to you all!!!!!!!! Aren't I nice? Well I've 8een pretty 8usy after all. Prototyping sprites, gettin new quads, putting down pages, Ect. Ect. So let's get to the questions!!!!!!!!

"Vvris, wwanna be my kismesis again?"- Anime_otaku03

"Um...will you be my matesprit" ~Hannah -@smexypandawarrior

What's up Eridan? Sorry this reply pretty l8 and all 8ut yeah I was 8usy oops oh well. Although I loved/ hated/F8CKING R8M8NTIC T8NSI8N having you as a spades 8uddy I don't really know if that quadrants full or not. I mean me and TZ are most o8viously ♦️and I'm still kinda working out that whole Meenah situation for ♥️ but Karkat has 8een acting preeeeeeeetty hostile towards me l8tley. I think he's 8lack crushing on me :::;) ♠️ may8e Kanaya will austispice for us. 8ut point 8eing I don't think I'm open for that Quad.

Okay hi there Hannah what's up? So you looking for a matesprit I see. You seem pretty gr8 8ut I'm still working out this emotional turmoil shit 8etweem me and Meenah which kind of happened 8ut at the same time didn't? As you can see I'm working it all out still. 8ut maybe someday? ::::)

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