Tavros Fem Tavros and more Tavros!!!!!!!! Also John

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1M 4CTU4LLY S0RRY....... F0R K1LL1NG Y0U. BUTTTTTT, WH0 D0 Y0U L1K3 M0R3, J0hn 0R T4VR0S?-Terezi~ unicorntheman2122

uH, hEY vRISKA, dO YOU WANT SOME PUDDING?-Tavros~ -TavrosNitram-

hI VRISKA...uMMM... hOW'S IT LIKE MEETING THE, gIRL VERSION OF, tAVROS }:3 - Tavrine ~Tavrine_Nitram

WHOAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!! Toradork is sure popular today! I'll answer the easiest question first.... FOR THE LAST TIME PUPA I DONT WANT YOUR PUDDINGGGGGGGG! 8ut I apreci8 the offer.

Next up Tavrine, Honestly I 8elieve I like you 8etter than the original Tav! :::;) You seem pretty gr8.

And lastly the hardest question ((8ut in my opinion no question is toooooooo hard for the mighty MIIIIIIIINDFANG!!!!!!!!)) okay Tavros or John...well I mean in one timeline I did D8 John..8ut Tav has given me a lot of company even when I didn't want it.. I don't really know.. I mean 8oth in some ways are pretty gr8 and in some ways pretty annoying. I guess I suppose it's whoever isn't a total doofus at the time. 8y the way TZ I'm alright 8eing dead isn't that 8ad at least I've got Pupa with me ::::) Welp it seems I'm outta question 8uh 8ye!

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