Charactar Questions ::::?

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Wellllllll looky here. Seems while I was off doing soooooooo many shenanigans I got some asks! Well 8n't that great. I figured I 8etter start 8ack up and keep you fools from w8ing. Let start the whirling device so shit can hit it already.

First up!

"hi vriska!! im girl john egbert! my name's joan egbert! well that was a pretty sucky beginning but I have a question for you! if you like john... what do you think of me?? *puppy eyes at her*
- _FallingFairytale_

Sup Joan! 8eginnings aside you did fine, my standards have 8een met, for now. Wellllllll I wouldn't say I like John 'SO' much, just 8ecause I haven't killed him yet doesn't mean I am in "loooooooove" with him, he will pay for daring me to eat a raw 8ird lusus spawn. Considering you haven't pulled any lame ass pranks on me yet I think you're pretty cool. 8ut I know girl or not you are pro8a8ly just as much as a prankster as John......... So I'll have to keep an eye on you.

Next we've got........

"Karkat's twin here, okay so I didn't know Kar was black crushing on you! He is a bulge sucker so he didn't tell me stuff like that." KamiVantas

Oh don't I know it! Karkles is such a nook sucker sometimes; and 8y sometimes I mean ALLLLLLLL the time! I mean like half the time I was to wring his neck! And then... Kiss his corpse after I 8ring him 8ack... Okay w8 no. That came out wrong let pretend that didn't happen. Hahahahahahahaha.... ::::/

"Hello, Vriska! Kanaya Here. I Was Wondering If You Have Killed Any Spiders Before?" - @HumbleHetaliagirl

Hello Kan how's the relationship with the 'Rose' human going? :::;)
Well I try to go out of my way to not kill spiders having one as my lusus 8ut I'm sure I've stepped on them 8efore, AS I STEP ON MY ENEMIES THAT IS ::::D
Also y'know when the SolKat Virus of Destruction (TM I'm patenting that 8y the way >::::) ) kinda hurt Spidermom. And well I put her out of her misery, just one of those things you gotta do, so yeah I have killed a spider.

Thanks for asking everyone, looks like I'm out of questions! Till next time ::::)

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