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- You and Tom have been dating for a couple of months.

He went live and you were doing you were doing your make up while watching the live seeing his comment section.
"Hello good evening my loves! Everything is great in the Felton Home. Y/n Is doing her hair because she's bored. she's beautiful enough as it is."
I was almost done doing my hair when I seen the comment "I bet she's not even there, she's probably fake 🙄"

"Aye mate. She is real, I should know, I wake up her every morning. I'll even give you proof, Y/N!"

"I'm coming." I got some stairs.

"I will kiss her for my proof!" He says before pulling you  in by your lower back. He smashes his lips Into yours. You pulled away and whispered "we are on camera!" She chuckles and kisses you on the nose.

"See. She's real. She's a great kisser! I have her all to myself!" He said.

Tom/Julian/Draco imagine 🤪Where stories live. Discover now