Birthday Scavenger Hunt!

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There sat a woman in the bathroom holding a pregnancy test that read 'positive'. She was crying, crying with happy tears. Her husband and her have always wanted kids, but they were having a hard time conceiving.

"Well wills. I guess i gotta go tell daddy." The woman said patting the dog on the head. The woman, so did the dog got up and headed down to the living room to where her husband was sitting and playing the guitar for hid fans.

"Hello my wife." He said looking at his phone screen.

"Hello my husband." She says with a mischievous tone to her voice.

"Your up to mischief." He says playfully.

"Am i? Why would i be up to that?" She replies playfully, sitting down at the island, so she can look up ideas to tell him without being suspicious.

"It is my birthday in a few days, you never know." He says giggling and ending with a smirk.

"Oh its your birthday! I thought it was the bloke Mr. Feltons birthday." She teased.

"Thats a shame.. Got to give it to him he has a beautiful wife to celebrate with." He winks at her and goes back to playing the guitar.
After a few minutes passed she found some good ideas, all she needed to do was to go buy something's and come up with a plan.

"My darling husband.. I'm gonna go to the store and mall for a bit." She says walking to her husband for a farewell kiss.

"Alright Love, do be careful." He says pecking her lips quickly.

——- 3 days before his birthday—-

Your niece was staying with you for Toms birthday. You kept dropping hints about having a baby.

"Darling you got an amazon package." He says walking with a small Amazon box.

"Thank you." You say smiling. Your nieces started giggling uncontrollably. Y/N joined in on laughing. This is gonna so funny to see reaction.

"Is there something on me? Why are you laughing." He says in concerning but half laughing tone.

"Nothing, not thing." She says failing to be Sirius ;)

"Mhmmm sure." He says playing along being funny. His phone started to ring. Thank you Jason. Y/N said in her head. She smirked at this. Its all falling together.

"Well my love and my duckling, Jason is landing, I'm gonna pick him up." He says kissing his wife on this lips and kiss to you nieces foreheads. Once he walks out the door, Y/N turned to her niece.

"Ready." She says opening the package.

"Set." She says handing a bag a little plastic babies that she had custom made with guitars, some looking like Draco Malfoy, and just some normal plastic ones.

"Go." Y/N said as they took off in different direction. Y/N but one in each of his guitar and ukulele, except for his most special one. She put some on the piano, in his dresser, library. EVERYWHERE. That took about an hour, Tom and Jason were back after and hour and thirty minutes after that. Y/N and her niece had food on the table.

"My lovelies we are home!" He says when he got inside.

"Welcome back." She says smiling and giving Tom a kiss.

"UNCLE JASON!!" You niece says running into Jason's arm as he crouched down to her level. Tom moved to Y/Ns side as they watched their niece and Jason. He wrapped his hand around your waist so that his hand was on your stomach. He turned his head and whispered into your ear, "I want a baby." He says pulling away to look at your reaction. You gave him a small nod and a smile. You drew your attention back to Jason and your niece. Jason gave you a knowing a smirk. You smirked back, Tom gave you a "what?" Look.

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