Movie Night

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What started as a horrible day was ending in a peaceful day. Tom was live watching one of his movies he was starred in. That was Toms new thing, every Saturday night he would go live and watch movies with his fans. Y/N was not having a good day, she was alittle upset  this morning and snipped at Tom. Y/N never yells, even if her and Tom get in a tizzy, she will never yell. Tonight's movie was 'Ophelia' he started in it as Ophelia brother.

The phone was set up on the coffee table that was in front of the couch Tom and Y/N were sitting. Snuggled under the blanket. Y/N was awfully quite since this morning.

There hands were conjoined and tangled together under the blanket as they were eating popcorn. He was rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand.

"You alright?" He whispered.

"Yeah. You alright?" She said playfully. He chuckled softly and pulling her hand from the covers and giving it a kiss. She smiled at his actions.

When there hands found there way under the blankets again. Her head went back into the clouds. You see, her father, he seems like good man on the outside, on the inside he's a alcoholic, depressed, cheater, narcissistic person. She's very good at hiding it. It's her birthday tomorrow, her father called the previous night, he was announcing that he was getting married to his mistress on her birthday. He always planned things on HER days. She looked up to her dad when she was younger but now not so much. When she snipped at Tom in the morning was because she was upset about him doing that. Will she tell him? Probably not, she doesn't want to him to feel bad. She took it into deep thought. She laid her head on his shoulder.

"Hey Tom." Y/N said quietly.

"Hmm?" He hummed as he was still paying attention to the TV.

"I'm sorry about this morning." She said even quieter. She squeezed their hands.

"It's completely fine. That was barely anything." He said shifting his body to face hers at an angel. He put his hands on the side of her face and made her look at him.

"I don't know what happened this morning. When your ready to tell me you will tell me. I'm not going to pressure you into tell me." He said looking into her eyes. He was watching her completely fall apart. She lurched forward and wrapped her arms around him, her face buried close to his neck. Tom put his arms around her as well.

"I hate him." She sobs quietly. He rubs small patterns on her back.

"I hate him so much." She cries. He angles his head so he was able to whisper in her ear. They stayed like that for about a minute our two till she was calm and collected. They pulled apart, he still was holding her hands.

"Who?" He asked hesitantly, rubbing patterns on her hands

"My father." She said finally calmed down she looked at him. He hugged her close. He knew most of the horrible things but not all.

"That is all you need to say." He says kissing her forehead.

Tom/Julian/Draco imagine 🤪Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant