Filthy Squib

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~ I Wanna Be Yours by Arctic Monkey Slowed~

"Blaise where is Draco?" I asked. Blaise shook his head.

"Theo?" I asked him. Where is Draco? He's a the Slytherin prince.

"I haven't seen him, Love." Theo replied.

"Theo." I said flatly.

"Let us out of here you filthy squib!" Pansy yelled to the mangy squib of filch. He had locked us in the dungeon because of Pansy big mouth. I think it was more than Pansy mouth why Minerva had us locked in the dungeons. With a loud bang the dungeon door broke open, the Slytherins ran outside. Someone apparated in front of me.

"Dra-" I was cut off with a powerful kiss.

"We need to go. Theo, Blaise." He says still looking at me dead in the eyes.

"Boys, go to the shrieking shack. Y/N your coming with me." He said with a dangerous smirk.

"Sure thing your, highness." I said with a challenging smirk.

"Y/N you just fucked up." Blaise says in awe. Theo was laughing.

Draco lost his smirk and glared back down at me as his eyes became dilated. My smirk quickly became lost some where's in hogwarts. I fucked up.

"That's right Blaise. MY princess doesn't know what she's got herself into." He smirked

Tom/Julian/Draco imagine 🤪Where stories live. Discover now