First Day of U.A.

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"Hey Midoriya? Do you think this door is a little... Tall?" Himiko was staring at the door, which went up to the roof. It was disturbingly tall.

"Maybe it's for people with mutant type quirks? What do you think Koumi?" Midoriya turned to Reia as he finished, still getting used to the sight of the girl without her coat.

"I think they might just be showing off." Reia didn't have a Bone to pick with U.A. She just really hated dress codes.

"You might be right, let's head in now. Class is starting soon!" Midoriya started to push us into the classroom. A good thing too, Reia saw Aizawa crawling around the corner.

Bakugou and Iida argued, as per usual. Iida wanted Bakugou to respect the desk, and Bakugou told him to screw off. Iida spotted Midoriya, apologized, Uraraka showed up. The usual things that happen right about now.

"If your here to make friends, you can leave now." Aizawa droned on through the door, on the floor. "This is the hero course." Knowing he would be annoyed if she took her time walking, Reia teleported to her chair, which stunned a few students, which took more time. Reia could hear Aizawa slurping jelly through the door.

"It took you 8 seconds to settle down." Aizawa walked into the room after getting out of his sleeping bag. He looks around the class, quickly taking note that everyone is there. The only people missing from the list of cast had been Minoru Mineta and Sero Hanta.

Aizawa then reached into his sleeping bag, "I know it's sudden, but put these on, and head to the training field, you have 15 minutes." Aizawa dropped the clothes on the desk and walked out of the room.

Reia had quickly grabbed her sports uniform and teleported to a changing room. No need to strip in front of others if you have to.

Le Timeskip

Reia was standing in the general vicinity of Eraserhead, awkwardly.

"You haven't visited the orphanage in a while." Reia's amazing attempt at small talk.

"I haven't seen any reason to, it was obvious that they wouldn't mistreat you. So I stopped dropping by."

Reia nodded in understanding, "Alright... I will admit, I thought you may have gotten injured or something."

Aizawa scoffed lightly, "It's part of the job, you probably know that even a Pro can get injured easily."

"I know, but it doesn't stop me from worrying." Reia knew he wouldn't have died, but showing people that you had an emotional attachment to them made her seem more friendly.

"Okay, don't worry so much, I can handle myself. Now that's enough, I can hear them talking, don't want the others to think I'm playing favorites, now do we?" Aizawa nodded his head a tad bit farther than where Reia was standing.

She quickly blinked over there before the other students arrived.

"That took most of you twelve minutes, we will speed that up to five minutes by the end of the year. Today, however, we will be doing a Quirk assessment test. It will be exactly like the physical exams that you had to do in Middle school, except you can use your quirks. The school system is being completely irrational, most government systems have evolved to include quirks, but schools still like to think everyone is equal. I need a full scope of your abilities, so you are going to use your quirks on these tests to show me what you can do. Bakugou, you received the most villain points on the exam, step in the circle and throw the ball as far as you can with your quirk."

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