Battle for the Throne!

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Crepe smiled as he caught up with Laroe. Trying to get the Minister out wasn't hard when everyone was supposed to be inside. He landed in front of them as Crepe gripped a tree to regain his breath.

"What are you doing outside?" Laroe stamped her foot as Crepe looked up.

"None of your business. If we want to be outside working and making Almia better, then we can! Now go to where you belong." The Minister hissed as Crepe lowered his head.

"As the Minister-"

"That doesn't know what he's doing. You are the one that's supposed to be inside." Crepe looked away as the Minister was engulfed in a powerful aura.

"Is that a challenge?" She smiled.

"Yes. I, Laroe, challenge you to a battle for the throne."

The air went quiet at her words. He cocked a steady smile.

"I accept your challenge."

Crepe stepped back as they got into a battle stance. It took a moment before they clashed and everything was a blur. He stayed behind a tree to hopefully not get hit. That wasn't the case as pain hit him from the Minister's attack.

That's right... the Minister can attack through solid objects.

Laroe hissed as she started a large chant. Crepe sat down as he listened to the gentle magic fill the air. He blacked out before the spell went.

"As the bloodborn ruler of this shadowed realm
I gift this nation the purity that it deserves.
Allow the shadows to destroy that of fakeness
And give me what is reserved!
Corruption of Law!"

The light that followed raced into the air as the Minister screeched. She smiled as she bowed.

"I, Laroe, have taken your title."

She went over to where Crepe was asleep and panicked. She knelt down and touched his shoulder.

"Crepe...?" He opened his eyes and smiled at her.

"Laroe... I'm alright... I just fell asleep. Thanks for checking though..." She smiled as she helped him up.

"Well... no more bad Minister. We better go spread the news."

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