Pain Difference.

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They were thrown into the Chroma Ruins as their first mission. It was a fight to get in until Crepe spoke.


"Are you pointing out my uselessness?" He fell silent at that.

"Have you gotten it looked at?"

"I haven't... but my captain was extremely nice and helped me out."

He smiled as they got to where Sven was waiting. They made their way to through the Dim Sun grunts and were able to get a clear picture of their statuses. Sven was clearly noting everything as they got outside the ruins. Admiral waited for the boys to get up the latter before Sven called down.

"Do you need a rope or something?" She shook her head before stepping back.

"Don't be in my way." The boys backed up as she raced forward and ran up the latter. Yeah, as in scaled it. She then jumped up and landed beside the hole with a grin. "Two can play it that way. Let's go."

Sven frowned as they went further into investigating before they headed back. The trio walked as they talked about their times apart while Sven left them behind.

"My captain was extremely nice to me and often battled the Minister down there. He was young though... but so full of energy. He was the first one to see my situation and helped me out." Crepe hummed.

"No one understands mine yet. So I still collapse and shut down." Dijon hummed.

"Same. My crew was very nice, but no one understood. I had one person that did, but they were in another base..." He grabbed his stomach as Crepe faded off. Admiral weakly grabbed the backs of their necks and aided them in the walk back.

"C'mon... collapse closer to the Union." Dijon nodded while Crepe's subconscious carried him the rest of the way.


The two boys passed out while Admiral reported them in. The Minister pulled her off to the side afterwards.

"Admiral... right?" She nodded. "This might be a little personal, but I would like to ask about you and the other two's condition." Admiral lowered her head a little.

"Sven... brought it up, didn't he?" Laroe nodded.

"I'm worried. I might not have been able to watch you and Dijon's achievements, but Crepe is the reason this sector is able to be outside." Admiral looked up at her. "So please?" Admiral sighed softly.

"Alright..." She looked at her hands. "We each have an area of pain that is drilled in us and we have been fighting for so long... Crepe's is internal pain, Dijon's is mental and emotional pain, mine is physical. We found out how similar we are and vowed to be the best out there and to always be there for each other. It was hard when we were separated, but at least we managed..." Her hands twitched weakly as she sighed. "And we have yet to find a source of aid... my captain was incredibly nice down in Oblivia and gave me the first steps of aid."

Lareo hummed before she gently touched her arm, gaining her attention.

"Tomorrow, before you report in for your assignments, I would like to see the three of you. I will make sure Cedar leads you to where I will be waiting. Got it?" Admiral slightly straightened up and nodded.

"Yes Minister." Lareo smiled.

"Now, off to bed. I don't want you to be exhausted before then."

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