Chapter 6

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What? Where am I? Ugh, this bed is as hard as rock. I can't remember anything. I hear the door open and a faint light begins to enter the room.

"Pam, can you come with me?" a lady says.

I slowly walk towards her and leave the room. There's nothing but a wall in front and of me. Both left and right are only parts of the long white corridor I'm in.

"Where am I?" I asks.

The woman replies back in a nice tone. "That's not something you need to know, you're safe."

She leads me to what seems like an interrogation room. I sit down in the cold, uncomfortable chair. I might as well just sit on the floor.

A man walks in and speaks in a low tone."Hello, Pam, how are you doing?"

"Fine, other than the fact I have no idea what day it is nor do I know what I'm doing here," I reply.

There's a long awkward silence in the room. He eventually speaks up.

"Look, the reason you're here is because someone gave us a tip about you doing some sort of... transformation."

Who could've given them the tip?! I thought I was being so careful. I should've just stayed locked in my room liked I wanted to.

"Who gave you the tip?" I ask.

"That's not something you need to know," he replies.

I feel a cool breeze in the room, this is bad.

"It's a little cold in here, can you maybe crank up the heat a little?"

"Sure," he replies.

I feel the heat already kicking in.

"Okay, so can you tell me why I'm here exactly?" I ask.

It takes him a while to reply. "We think you've stolen a top secret government weapon."

"What are you talking about?" I ask confused. 

"We know about how you've been transforming into Shakira," he says.

At this point I'm lost. "How did you find out?"

"Your friend Taylor Anderson told us."

Taylor?! How could she tell? Wait, how did she know?

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