Chapter 12

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The Winter Formal

Ed and I walk into the gym and this has to be the best winter formal in all of Fayette County,PA. Blue lights are hung up on the wall and there's a beautiful white light coming from the disco ball. Nothing could ruin this night, then I see Taylor and Brad.

"That's Taylor, my ex-best friend," I say while she stares at me.

"Let's go say hi." We walk over and the second Taylor lays eyes on Ed she knows that Ed's way better looking than Brad.

"Oh, I guess I should introduce you. This is Ed," I say.

Taylor gives me a cold look."Wow, you must've been really desperate to go with her," Taylor says with a smirk.

It's taking me everything in my power not to smash her face into the punch bowl.

"Hey, Taylor can I talk to you for a sec?" I say.

We walk into the bathroom and that's when she releases hell on me.

"Wow, look at you. Trying to show me up by bringing a much cuter guy than Brad to the dance. Well guess what? Brad and I are having an amazing time. I'm not shallow like you who has to have a cuter date than me."

"I know you're jealous Taylor. I've known you since kindergarten and I know that when you're jealous you cover it up by saying that it doesn't matter if I have something better than you. I know this is killing you."

"Okay, fine! I'm having an awful time with Brad. He's such a jerk. First he complains about how my dress looks tacky or how my hair is done. I'm glad you didn't go with him. I just want to say I'm really sorry that I did this to you and I wouldn't blame you for not accepting my apology. It's just I got so caught up in being with the most popular sophomore in school that I forgot who and what I really care about. I'm sorry Pam."

By this point both of us our bawling our eyes out.

"Of course I forgive you," I say.

We wipe off the tears on our face and head back out. That's when we see Brad and Ed kissing. Wait what!?

"Brad why are you making out with Ed?" Taylor asks.

"I'm bi. You didn't know that?" he says.

"Ed I mean you were always a little feminine, but I-"

"Yes, I'm gay. That's why we were only going as friends," he says

Brad and Ed continue to make out and Taylor and I walk away very confused.

"Well I could see Ed being into guys, but Brad?" I say.

"I know right. I'm glad we just went back to your place, the dance was so boring," she says.

"Well I was gonna ask Ed if he wanted to be more than friends, but not anymore," I say.

After we stay up all night talking we both pass out and fall asleep.

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