July 1993

386 11 0

Lucy sat in the sitting room, reading her transfiguration book when a flash of black dragged her gaze to the window. Perched on the sill was an owl, letter in beak. She quickly walked over to the window, carefully opened it and took the letter from the bird.

It was the annual invitation to the Malfoy pure blood party. Lucy read its contents before making her way through the manor, finding her mother in the library.

"Here." She said, handing Alissa the letter.

"Oh, finally." Alissa announced. She had been waiting days for it to arrive and finally it was here. Lucy still didn't quite comprehend the excitement and need for her family to attend the pure blood parties, but nonetheless, she accepted the fact.

Lucy sighed, headed back to the sitting room, when her mind flashed back to a week prior, when Draco had come over and the two of them had spent the day down at the lake, basking in the summer sun. She hadn't seen him since then and was almost feeling excited for the party this year.

The evening of the party Lucy showered and was picking out a dress for the night when a knock interrupted her.

"Come in." She called out, wrapping her silk robe around her tighter.

"Hi." Alissa said, entering. Lucy smiled to her and turned her attention back to her dresses. "Find something to wear yet?" Alissa asked sweetly.

Lucy sighed and grabbed out a black dress, holding it out for Alissa to observe. "How about this?" She asked, eyeing the dress on the hanger.

"I like it." Alissa nodded. Lucy dipped into her bathroom and quickly changed into the dress before stepping back out into her bedroom. Alissa gave her a big smile as she reentered the room. "It's perfect." She said to her.

Lucy looked at herself in the mirror, the dress was a long-sleeved chiffon dress. It was short but not too short where she felt embarrassed to wear it. She paired the dress with matching black heels.

"What are you going to do with your hair?" Alissa asked as she began fiddling with it.

"Maybe up?" Lucy asked, pulling all her hair to the top of her head.

"Bun or ponytail?" Alissa asked, watching her.

"Bun, I think." Lucy answered and began tying it up, pinning down a few fly-aways.

After she was finished, she followed Alissa out of her room and made their way downstairs, out of the manor and to the party.

"Hey Draco." Lucy said, taking a seat next to him at the party.

"Parcivall." He said quickly before turning his attention back to what Crabbe was saying. Lucy felt a pang of jealously and annoyance that he seemed uninterested in her.

Lucy sighed after a few minutes and headed over to the drinks table, pouring herself a drink. "You look nice." A voice drawled behind her. She didn't need to see his face to know who it was: Theo Nott.

Lucy slowly turned around and smiled. "Thank you, Theo. You don't look so bad yourself." She said, eyeing him up and down.

"I know." He responded coolly. "But thanks." He added, smirking at her. She took in his appearance, a nice white button shirt and dark dress pants with matching shoes. His hair was pushed out of his face and even Lucy couldn't deny he looked good.

Lucy sipped at her drink as Theo stepped forward, leaning around her to grab himself a drink. She could almost taste his cologne he was so close to her.

"Save me a dance later?" Theo smirked, walking backwards to the table, disappearing out of site before Lucy could even respond.

She exhaled, not realizing she had been holding her breath and relaxed slightly. She stood there for a few moments by herself before making her way through the crowd herself, back to the table.

The Slytherin Princess - Year ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now