December 1993 - January 1994

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"Oh, nothing dear." Narcissa answered, giving her son's arm a squeeze. "I'll see you both inside." She said, giving Draco a smile and turning to Lucy, giving her a strange look.

"What was that about?" Draco asked confused.

"No idea. She was asking about you." Lucy admitted.

"What about?" Draco asked.

"I don't know really, she said something about you being a bit off lately." Lucy said, looking out over the Malfoy landscape. It truly was beautiful out there. "She asked if I knew what was going on with you." Lucy added.

"What did you say?" He asked, shoving his hand into his pant pockets.

"I told her the truth, that I wish I knew what was going on with you. But that we don't talk like we used to." She quietly said, wrapping her arms around her as a breeze swept across them.

"Yeah well, things are different now." He finally said.

Lucy looked up to him, frowning, "but they don't have to be." She declared. He turned to look at her.

"Yes, they do. Things are different between us. We can't change that." He said sighing to himself.

"Why? Why are things different between us? I thought we talked about it?" Lucy questioned, annoyed.

Why did things have to be different between them. Why was he suddenly bringing it up?

"We talked about it, Draco. Everything was going fine?" She snapped.

"Yeah well not anymore." He admitted, dropping his head. His tone was annoyed, and Lucy frowned at him in confusion.

"Why? What's changed?" She asked him sternly.

"Just forget it about, Parcivall." He growled as he turned on his heel to walk back into the party.

Lucy grabbed his arm, forcing him to stay with her. "No. Things were getting back to the way they were. You can't suddenly decide that you're not okay with that." Lucy snapped.

"Well, too bad." He snapped at her.

"What?" Lucy asked, stifling a laugh. "You can't be serious Draco?" She asked him.

"I am." He replied, looking her up and down annoyed.

"This is because of Theo, isn't it?" Lucy asked as she sighed and took a step backwards.

Draco shook his head annoyed. "No, it's got nothing to do with Nott." He snapped.

"Really?" She asked him point blank. "You can't start having an issue with us being friends again because I've finally gotten used to it. It doesn't work when you keep pushing and pulling me." Lucy snapped.

Draco shook his head annoyed. "I don't know how to be just friends with you anymore." Draco growled at her as he stepped forward and got in her face.

Lucy looked at him, shocked. "That's not my problem." Lucy declared, standing her ground. "Maybe you should start kissing other girls, get me out of your head." Lucy declared sarcastically. She started walking around him, having had enough of the back and forth.

"I tried that." He growled. "You already know how that one worked out." He added.

"What?" She said turning to him. She was furious now. "That's the reason you started the thing with Tina? To try and get me out of your head?" She snapped.

"Yeah. And like I said, it didn't work." He answered.

"You're such an arse, Draco Malfoy." Lucy said disappointed as she stormed off back inside the manor. She didn't want to be anywhere near him right now.

The Slytherin Princess - Year ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now