April 1994 - May 1994

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"I tell you what," Draco started saying to Lucy, Crabbe and Goyle as they were sitting in the Slytherin common room, "we have a real chance of winning the quidditch cup this year." He proudly declared.

"Let's just be really honest for a second here," Lucy quietly said, "Slytherin hasn't won a game against Gryffindor since Harry became seeker." She added.

Draco shot her a glare, "well, that's going to change." He snapped. Lucy frowned and shook her head, going back to her charms book in front of her. The boys continued talking quidditch strategies for the remainder of the evening until it was time for them to head to dinner.

"Why do you always have to be so negative about things when it comes to me and quidditch?" Draco angrily asked as they made their way to the hall.

"Draco, I don't." Lucy defended.

"Yes, you do. Every chance you get, you make it known that you think Potter is a better player than I am." He snapped at her. Lucy embarrassingly looked to Crabbe and Goyle who were awkwardly listening.

"That's not true." Lucy said, stopping in the middle of the corridor. Draco rolled his eyes and dragged her to the side, out of everyone's way. Lucy pulled her arm out of his grip and looked up into his eyes. "I think you are an incredible quidditch player, and if I'm being completely, embarrassingly obvious, I am always watching you play." Lucy said, folding her arms across her.

"That is true, we've seen her." Goyle piped up from behind her. Draco rolled his eyes, still showing an expression of annoyance.

"I think you are the best Slytherin player by far. You keep the team looking good." She added, sighing.

Draco's expression turned into a smirk and Lucy watched as he raised an eyebrow at her. "You do, do you?" He asked, leaning closer to her.

"Don't tell me you threw a fit, just so you could hear me say that?" Lucy asked surprised. When Draco didn't deny it, Lucy shook her head. "You are unbelievable." She added before turning around and continuing to the hall, Draco hot on her heels.

He didn't let her hear the end of it that night. Even after Tina joined them at dinner. "How's Eddie?" Lucy whispered to her as she sat down beside.

A big grin washed over Tina's face, "good." She happily responded.

"Okay, it's coming up incredibly quickly this year." Tina piped up after they had finished.

This time, Lucy knew exactly what she was talking about. The end of year school dance. "Do you think you'll go with Eddie?" Lucy asked quietly.

"Probably not. I don't think I'm ready for people to know we're together yet." She replied, disappointingly. Lucy gave her a sympathetic smile as they began making their way back to the Slytherin common room.

Lucy had kept up with all her schoolwork in her classes and felt good when she didn't have any homework to do like the others the following week.

Pansy had cooled off on her pranks on Lucy and the two of them did well to not interact with each other. Thankfully, it was only a couple months off the end of the school year.

Lucy and Draco headed for potions class on the following Monday, setting at a desk with Lisa and her friend.

"Miss Parkinson." Professor Snape called on her halfway through class as she was laughing a little too loudly with Daphne.

Her face shot to that of petrified as Professor Snape was watching her attentively. "Yes Professor?" She asked him.

"Tell me," he began to say, grabbing his wand and waving it towards the board at the front of class, a list of what looked like ingredients began etching into the board before them, "what ingredient is missing from this list, and tell me it's defining potion." He questioned, crossing his arms and waiting on her to answer.

"Oh," Pansy panicked, she looked up at the list on the board and fidgeted with her hands, "I'm sorry Professor, I don't know." She replied, looking down in disappointment.

"You don't know?" The Professor drawled. "Can anyone in this room tell me?" He asked, looking around the room. 

Lucy raised her hand just as a few of the other students did as well. "Yes, Miss Parcivall?" Snape called on her.

"You're missing Dragon Liver on that list, and they would be the ingredients to concoct a Doxycide solution, Professor." Lucy explained.

"At least someone is paying attention in my classes." Snape announced, looking to Pansy disappointed. "Tell me, Miss Parcivall, what it's effect is." Snape continued, watching Lucy.

Lucy took a breath before continuing, "Doxycide is used to spray Doxies. It paralyses them in order for the user to be able to remove them without fear of being bitten." Lucy explained.

"Excellent. Ten points to Slytherin." Professor Snape announced and Lisa gave Lucy a proud smile.

The remainder of the class, Pansy constantly threw glares Lucy's way, who did her best to ignore them.

"Okay, since when did you start getting smart in Potions?" Draco teased as they headed out of the class.

"Since I started paying more attention in class. I can't let you be the only one excelling in that class." Lucy teased back and the two of them shared a laugh.

MAY 1994

The following month winter had officially ended, and the sun began making its mark. It became too nice of a day to stay inside, so Lucy and Draco would head outside anytime they could. Tina was busy hanging with Eddie the past week and they had become quite serious.

"Do you see that?" Lucy pointed out to Draco, Goyle and Millicent Bulstrode sitting on a bench near them, laughing together.

"What? Oh." Draco said, noticing. "Yeah, he hasn't shut up about her lately. Bit annoying actually." Draco said, before laying back down on the grass.

"What? Since when was that a thing?" Lucy asked, completely shocked.

"Leave it alone, Parcivall." Draco sighed. Lucy pouted at him before returning back to her book. They had finished their transfiguration homework and were now enjoying the rest of the sunshine.

Lucy let the sun fall onto her skin and enjoyed the warmth before the sun began to set for the day. "Come on, let's head inside." Lucy finally said, grabbing her books and getting to her feet, waiting for Draco. 

The Slytherin Princess - Year ThreeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang