February 1994

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 A month had gone by since the Christmas break. Lucy and Tina had picked up where they left things and Tina was beginning to act more like herself again.

Tina was finally able to bring herself to be around Draco, which made it easier for Lucy to relax. Tina had even said that she had been crushing on someone else now, though she wouldn't give up a name just yet. 

Things with Draco had been going well. While they hadn't talked about the Christmas eve party at Malfoy Manor, even though Lucy wanted to so badly, they were back to teasing each other and able to spend time together without getting weird. It honestly felt like the new normal.

The only issue Lucy was having at school now, was Pansy. She had heard that Lucy had attended the Malfoy Christmas party and had a screaming match with both Draco and Lucy, on separate occasions.

Lucy tried for the most part to ignore Pansy, but her silly pranks began coming back. At first Lucy thought she was just being forgetful, as her schoolbooks began disappearing, and then Pansy would make Lucy's things explode or make noise to disrupt her classes. It didn't become an issue until Pansy began sabotaging Lucy's potions and causing her to become distracted in her classes.

"Miss Parcivall. If you could please stay behind after class." Professor McGonagall called out to the class as they began packing up their books.

"Yes, Professor?" Lucy said, heading up to the front desk as the other students had left the classroom.

"Would you care to explain what happened in class today?" Professor McGonagall asked, crossing her arms over her body in disappointment.

"Oh, mm, I'm sorry Professor, I'm just having a little bit of trouble concentrating today." Lucy explained.

"Have you been feeling anything else?" Professor McGonagall asked, looking at Lucy carefully.

"Not that I can recall, Professor. I have been feeling like I'm forgetting things easily today, but nothing out of the ordinary." Lucy answered, trying to rack her brain back to that morning when she forgot where she put her bag.

"Right. Just as I suspected. Come with me Miss. Parcivall." Professor McGonagall said leading Lucy out of the classroom.

They made their way down near the Slytherin common room, turning towards the potion's classroom instead.

"Excuse me, Professor Snape." McGonagall said, getting the attention of the potions Professor.

Professor Snape came over to the two of them, giving Lucy a bad look.

"Miss Parcivall, can you please explain to Professor Snape what we learnt in class today." Professor McGonagall asked turning to Lucy.

"Oh, um." Lucy said. She stood there for a moment, before shaking her head, "I'm sorry Professor McGonagall I can't seem to remember." Lucy admitted.

Professor McGonagall shot Professor Snape and worrying look before the two of them discussed something in quiet away from Lucy for a moment. Professor Snape walked to the back door of the classroom, ducking into the other room before emerging seconds later with a small vial.

"Drink this Miss Parcivall." Professor Snape said, handing Lucy the vial of clear liquid. Lucy looked to both professors before taking the vial and swallowing it whole.

After a few seconds Professor McGonagall looked to Professor Snape. "Did it work?" she asked him.

"At the start of the week, we learnt about a new potion. What was its core ingredients?" Professor Snape asked, testing Lucy.

"Snake fangs," Lucy began, she thought for a moment and then said, "Billywig Stings and Wolfsbane." She answered, looking confusingly at her professors.

"I think that proves it." Professor Snape said, turning to McGonagall. "Miss Parcivall, have you consumed anything that you were given by somebody else this past week?" Snape asked. Lucy shot him a confused look before racking her brain to remember anything standing out.

"Not that I'm aware of, sir." Lucy answered.

"Perhaps you left something, food or drink, unattended for a period of time?" He asked again.

Lucy thought about it, and suddenly a realization washed over her, "no, but Daphne did seem eager to talk to me this morning after I had just gotten a fresh drink." She admitted. "But why would that matter?"

"It would appear, Miss Parcivall, that you had been given a forgetfulness potion by one of your classmates." Professor Snape explained, looking at her as if she might be able to answer as to why that would happen.

Lucy sighed in annoyance, "Pansy's has upped her pranks lately." She finally admitted. Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall shared a look before dismissing Lucy.

She avoided Pansy for the rest of the afternoon and told Tina all about what happened.

That weekend was Slytherin versus Gryffindor in quidditch, so Lucy, Tina and Hermione headed down to the ground to watch.

"Alright Tina, you've been very secretive about who you're into now. Come on, spill." Hermione said to Tina as they were discussing Tina's new secret crush.

"No way." Tina said, shaking her head.

"Yes way, now!" Lucy exclaimed.

Tina looked embarrassed. "Alright, but you can't judge. You both have to swear." Tina finally said.

"We swear!" Both Hermione and Lucy said, eagerly waiting for their friend to tell them everything.

"He's in a year above us." Tina began to explain. "His name is Eddie. Eddie Carmichael. He's a Ravenclaw." She finally blurted.

Hermione and Lucy squealed with excitement as Tina began explaining how they had met and their meet ups in the library. She sounded like a schoolgirl in love the way she explained how sweet and genuine he is.

"I just, I know I'm going to get judged, because everyone knows Slytherin's don't date outside of their house." Tina said sadly.

"Maybe it's finally time that stigma was broken." Lucy said, giving her friend a comforting smile. 

Lucy watched as Draco and Harry raced around the field in an attempt to catch the golden snitch. After the game had been going on for half an hour Harry finally caught the snitch and Gryffindor was still undefeated against Slytherin. The three girls made their way back to the castle, where they parted ways to their common rooms.

Inside the Slytherin common room there was a small crowd of students waiting for the quidditch team to come in. They weren't far behind Lucy and Tina as they waited on the couches for them to come in.

As they walked in, annoyed they weren't able to beat Harry, they accepted the 'good job any way' off the other students as they found a seat and began talking about what they did do great during the game.

Afterwards, Draco got up and headed for Lucy.

"Hey," he said. "I almost had Potter in that game." Draco said.

"You still played good." Lucy said, giving him a sympathetic smile. Lucy watched as Tina completely ignored him while he was sitting with them. Draco eventually got up and headed up to his dorm room as the rest of the students began dispersing as well from the common room.

"You okay?" Lucy asked, noticing Tina screwing her face up.

"I just don't know how you can still be friends with him after the way he treated you." Tina scowled.

Lucy gave a little snicker and said, "I'm friends with you, aren't I?" Tina just shot her a look.

"That's different." Was all Tina replied with.

Lucy just shook her head and the two of them headed up to bed for the night.

The Slytherin Princess - Year ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now