June 1994

253 9 1

The final month of school had Lucy, Tina, Hermione and Lisa cramming like crazy for their third-year exams. Draco also celebrated his birthday and amongst trying to keep up with schoolwork and her social life, Lucy managed it all reasonably well. The end of year dance was quickly approaching, and Lucy was almost dreading it.

"Come on Lucy!" Tina called out from the dorm. She walked out of the bathroom dressed in a black sequin, square neck, short, body con dress.

"This is too bloody short." Lucy sighed, attempting, and failing to tug the dress down her thigh. Tina had made her buy it after seeing it in a shop window.

"It is not! You look great!" Tina said, fiddling with her own hair.

Lucy slipped on her black heels and fixed the strap around her ankle, pushing her hair back over her shoulder. She kept it natural again but added a light touch of make-up.

"Let's go." Lucy said, tugging at her dress again.

"I wonder who Eddie is going with." Tina said quietly, as they made their way down to the common room.

"I'm sure he wouldn't go with anyone." Lucy said encouragingly. The two of them followed a crowd of students from the common room up the corridors and steps to the great hall. As they were walking Lucy looked up to see two familiar figures at the back of the crowd.

She let out a quiet groan and rolled her eyes.

"What?" Tina frowned, oblivious. Lucy pointed in front of them to Theo and Blaise, who were, thankfully unaware they were behind them. "You know, I reckon he's got a thing for you." Tina added, looking from Lucy to Theo and back again at Lucy.

"Don't be daft. He just enjoys a challenge and he knows I won't give him anything." Lucy said, shaking her head.

Tina nodded, but her expression didn't match her agreement. 

The two of them made their way into the dance, and Lucy looked around at all the students. It was similar to last year's dance. Tina and Lucy headed straight for the dance floor and Lucy let the music flow through her as her and Tina danced their hearts out.

"I need a breather!" Lucy called out over the thumping of the music. Tina nodded in response and Lucy squeezed past students dancing and headed back out the door. When she got out into the corridor there were a few students talking and sitting along the brick walls. She walked down the corridor until she wasn't near anyone and leant against the cold stone wall.

It stung her bare shoulders as she leant against it but welcomed the coolness to her hot body.

"Thought it was you I could see sneaking out." A voice echoed beside her.

Lucy turned her attention to Theo who was walking her way. She hadn't seen or heard from him since the night in the common room when Draco had intervened.

"Wasn't sneaking away." She said annoyed, pushing herself off the wall and walked back in the direction of the hall.

Theo swiftly moved in front of her, stopping her from going back.

"Please move." Lucy sighed, already tired from him.

"I haven't had a chance to talk to you, since, you know." Theo started, ignoring her annoyed sighs.

"That's no accident." Lucy said, shaking her head.

"Malfoy shouldn't have gotten involved. There was no need." Theo said sternly.

"Okay, and?" Lucy said, frowning at him.

In one swift motion, Theo had pinned Lucy against the stone wall, holding her from moving. She could feel her heart rate increase and her breathing became shaky as she panicked silently at his movements.

The Slytherin Princess - Year ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now