November 1993

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The next day, Hermione, Lucy, Tina and Lisa caught up out on the grounds. It was the beginning of November, and the winter chill was starting to creep its way in.

While the sun was still bringing in some warmth the four of them took the opportunity to find a spot underneath a large shaded tree.

"Okay, I have to tell you all something." Hermione blurted out as they had all relaxed under the shade. Lucy, Tina and Lisa all paid close attention to Hermione as she spoke. "Last night, the Fat Lady – the painting who guards the Gryffindor common room, was approached by Sirius Black. He ruined her painting and she fled her frame in fear." Hermione blurted

"Oh my gosh." Lucy exclaimed. "I can't believe Sirius Black is in the castle." She added. The other two said nothing, instead both their jaws dropped open in shock.

"I know." Hermione said worryingly.

"Surely they'll catch him. Right?" Lisa finally asked.

"You would think so." Hermione stated. "But if he got in undetected, it's unsure how long he'll stay hidden." She continued. The four of them looked at each other worried.

"This is terrifying." Lucy said.

The other three nodded in agreement. After a while Lucy took a deep breath and turned to the others, each of them looking worried.

As Lucy and Tina headed back to the Slytherin common room Lucy quietly blurted out "I have to tell you something." Sighing to herself.

She looked over at Tina, before taking another deep breath. "About two months ago, just after school started," Lucy began, watching carefully at her reaction, "Draco and I kissed." She abruptly blurted out. She watched as Tina screwed her nose up in disgust.

"What?" Tina finally said.

"Please don't be mad!" Lucy exclaimed.

"I'm not mad, I just didn't think you were into him?" Tina replied, confusingly.

"Well, I wasn't." Lucy answered honestly. "But then I guess part of me hated seeing him with Pansy and I guess the feelings grew." She explained.

"So," Tina looked up at her, "how many times exactly?" She asked, almost not wanting to know the answer to the question.

"Three times. The first time a couple months ago, the second time in the library Saturday night and the third last night." Lucy admitted.

"Last night?" Tina exclaimed. Lucy nodded her head. "Bloody hell, Lucy." She finally said.

"Come on, you said you weren't mad." Lucy quietly said.

"And I'm not." Tina sincerely said. "Does Pansy know? Is that why she's always trying to go for you?" Tina asked, her eyes widening as if she just uncovered the truth.

"Honestly, I don't think so. I think she just really doesn't like me." Lucy responded.

"So, what's the go with you two now then?" Tina asked her.

It took Lucy a few moments before responding to the question, she was trying to rack her brain for a genuine answer, but she started shaking her head, "Honestly, I've got no clue. We seem to be going through waves, one moment we're good, the next we're kissing, then we'll argue and make up and then go back to normal." Lucy explained.

Tina looked confused and remained silent. She leant back against the corridor wall and Lucy tried to assess what she was thinking.

"What are you thinking?" She finally asked her, tired of waiting. 

"I just didn't realise that's how you felt about him." Tina said quietly.

"Is it too weird for you?" Lucy asked worried. "It's not like we're going to get together or anything. Bloody hell, he'll barely even talk to me about it. But I felt I owed you an explanation." Lucy added.

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