November 1993

237 11 12

"Oh my god." Lucy whispered. "You are." She said, disgust in her tone. When Tina didn't say anything Lucy asked her, "when? When and how many times?"

Tina looked up at her, "um," she began to say, her voice shaking. "over this past week, and a few times." Lucy felt tears prick her eyes and leapt off her bed heading for the door.

She completely ignored Tina as she called out to her, as she made her way across the balcony to the boys door.

She knocked on it loudly, not caring about interrupting anyone or anything. Theo answered the door confused, "Parcivall?" he asked, eyeing her up and down.

Lucy pushed her way past him and into the boys dorm. She knew she wasn't supposed to be in there, so she had to make it quick. She spotted Draco almost instantly and the anger on her face told him everything.

"Calm down, Parcivall." He began to say as he got up off his bed and walked over to her. She tried to ignore the fact that he was shirtless and only in pajama pants, and instead focused all her attention on how angry and let down she was. "It's not what you think." He began to explain.

Lucy had heard enough and in one swift motion, she slapped him across the face, causing him to grip his cheek in pain. She stormed out of the room before he could say anything and dashed down to the common room. She wasn't sure if she would stay in there or risk sneaking out. Before she had the opportunity to decide, a wave of emotion hit her like nothing she had ever felt like.

Falling to her knees Lucy began to sob into her hands. She didn't want to feel like this anymore. She didn't want to feel the pain she was feeling, cause by her two best friends.

She was crying so softly but the tears wouldn't stop coming out. She pulled herself behind the couch and leant against it, allowing the tears fall. She wasn't sure how long she had stayed there, but by the time she had pulled herself together, she felt sleepy.

Lucy finally stood up and pulled herself together. She took a breath before turning around ready to head for her dorm. When she turned, Draco was standing at the bottom of the stairs.

She shook her head at him and said, "you've got some nerve."

Draco laughed sadistically at her. "I've got some nerve?" He retorted and it sent shivers down Lucy's back. "I told you to stay away from Nott. You were the one who didn't listen." He snapped, crossing over the common room so he was standing in front of her. Lucy could see his angry expression and sunk into herself.

"I did. I stayed away from him. It's not my fault he finds me interesting. At least someone does." Lucy snapped back.

"Don't lie." Draco growled. And Lucy shot him a frowned look.

"What? Why would I lie?" She asked him, taken back by his stern words.

"Bones told me everything." He finally spat out.

Lucy took a step backwards, shocked at his words. "You started snogging Tina because she told you I wasn't staying away from Theo?" Lucy asked, completely broken. "He said a few words to me after your quidditch practice, that was it. I never sought him out." Lucy defended herself. She could see Draco's expression change as it became more worried.

"That's not what she told me." Draco said, straightening himself.

"Well, I'm glad you'd believe something Tina tells you, over something I'd tell you." Lucy said, disappointed. She looked at Draco one last time before taking herself up to her bed, she tried to be as quiet as possible as she slipped under the covers, focusing all her attention and energy into bringing down her heart rate and letting her adrenaline disperse.

The Slytherin Princess - Year ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now