October 1993

238 9 0

"I'm so hungry." Tina exclaimed as the two of them headed for the Great Hall for breakfast that morning.

"Me too." Lucy said, nodding her head in agreement.

"Where did you end up last night after the incident with Pansy?" Tina quietly asked as the two of them were seated and eating peacefully.

"To the library. I don't even know how long I was there for, when I got back into the dorm everyone was already asleep." Lucy explained. Tina accepted that answer and continued piling scrambled eggs onto her fork.

"So what's the plan for today?" Tina asked, finishing off her plate.

"Well, you still need to finish off your potions work from Friday, remember?" Lucy declared.

Tina groaned and rolled her eyes, "I had almost forgotten about that." Tina exclaimed.

The remainder of the day, Lucy and Tina spent time in the library, shortly after Hermione joined them and the three of them busily wrote away.

The afternoon seemed to creep up on them as Madam Pince, the librarian made her way around to them. "Hello ladies." She said sweetly. Lucy looked up from her book and smiled at her.

"Hello Madam Pince." She replied.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you but the headmaster has asked that all students are to sleep in the Great Hall tonight." She announced.

Lucy, Tina and Hermione looked at each other, worryingly.

"You better collect your things and head to your dorms." Madam Pince finished before giving them a sweet smile and heading off further into the library.

"Wonder what that's about." Lucy said to the others. They headed out of the library and Tina and Lucy said goodbye to Hermione as they headed for their respective common rooms.

As they entered the Slytherin common room, it was full of all year students. Lucy and Tina managed to maneuver their way around the crowds of students and ducked upstairs to collect their sleeping belongings, quickly changing into pajamas and throwing on their night robes before heading downstairs.

As they reached the common room, the students had already started making their way out and to the Great Hall.

"As instructed by headmaster Dumbledore, every student is to spend the night in the great hall." Lucy overheard Professor Snape call out to all the students as he led the house to the great hall.

Lucy and Tina were one of the last few people to leave the common room, and as they stepped out from the stone wall door, Lucy heard someone calling her, "Parcivall." They whispered. She halted for a moment, as Tina was chatting away to Millicent, oblivious to the fact that Lucy had stopped walking. Lucy turned around and Draco was waiting outside the door for her.

"Hey." She said quietly, heading over to him as the last of the students walked out of view.

"Hey." He replied, pushing himself off the wall and closing the distant between the two. 

The two of them slowly walked together to the great hall, afraid that if they walked too quickly they wouldn't have enough time together.

"What was that, last night?" Lucy finally blurted out, stopping after they had climbed the first flight of stairs and turning to Draco.

"What?" He asked as if he had no clue as to what she was talking about.

"Last night? In the library?" She pressed, frowning at him.

"Come on, Parcivall. Don't make it weird." He sighed, rolling his eyes at her.

"I'm not?" Lucy snapped. "I just want to know what's going on with us." She added.

"Why do you have to do that?" He let out an annoyed sigh and rubbed his forehead again.

"Do what?" She asked, confused.

"Complicate things, that don't need complicating." He snapped quietly.

"I don't?" Lucy replied, hurt at his words. "You know what, forget it. Forget I even said anything, forget about last night." Lucy retorted, turning to climb the next lot of stairs.

Draco grabbed her arm with force and pushed her up against the cold stone wall. It didn't hurt but the coolness took her breath away. He shortened the space between them and leant his arms on the wall on either side of her body.

"Stop." She said putting her hand on his chest to keep their distance. "I can't keep doing this with you." She whispered.

"Doing what?" He asked.

"I feel like I'm constantly reading into this, and then you confirm that but yet you still do things like this to me." She snarled. "It's exhausting, Draco." She added.

"So, I'm exhausting am I?" He smirked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Enough." She said, frowning. "You're making my head hurt." She said, shaking her head and looking to the direction of the next lot of stairs that led to the Great Hall. "Come on." She said, pulling her body off the cold wall behind her. It only brought her body against his as he refused to move.

"Draco." She begged. Willing him to let her go. She looked up into his eyes and in that moment she almost didn't want him to let her go.

As if by reading her mind, Draco carefully pushed her body back against the cold stone wall with his own. He place his hands on either side of her body on the wall, trapping her.

Lucy inhaled, smelling his sweet cologne again and closed her eyes, taking it in.

She hadn't had time to open her eyes and look back at him when he pressed his lips on hers, heavily.

It felt rushed, almost needed, like he'd never get another chance to do it, so he had to make it worth it.

She accepted the kiss and sunk her body into his.

Draco ran his tongue over her lips, asking to be let into hers, and she let him. The two embracing each other as they held the kiss for what felt like minutes. 

A low growl, from the direction of the Dungeons made them pull apart in fear.

"What was that?" She whispered, looking in the same direction the noise had come from.

"I have no idea. Let's go." Draco said, taking her arm and quickly running up the stairs to the Great Hall.

Luckily there was still students entering and finding their cots as Draco and Lucy entered the hall. They made their way down to the other end where the Slytherin's were and Crabbe and Goyle were setting up opposite Tina. Draco and Lucy shared a look as she headed past him to Tina.

"There you are." Tina whispered, looking up her friend. "Where did you go?" She asked, putting her pillow down.

"I'll explain tomorrow. Everything. I promise." Lucy whispered, setting herself up. She hadn't realised until she was about to lay down that hers and Draco's heads were less than a metre apart from each other.

The Slytherin Princess - Year ThreeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora