November 1993 - December 1993

243 11 1

"Hey, come on. It's alright. Let's just agree, from now on, we be completely honest with each other, okay?" Lucy asked, looking to Tina for an answer.

"Okay, agreed." Tina exclaimed, a smile spreading on her face.

The two of them made their way back to the Slytherin common room for the evening.

As they headed inside Draco, Crabbe and Goyle were sitting on the couch, discussing something. Tina began heading up to the platform to the staircases as they entered.

"Bones!" Draco called out to her from the couch. Tina spun around immediately and smiled at him. She walked over to him and he stood up from the couch.

Lucy stood back and watched them interacting. Her stomach twisted at the sight of them talking but she pushed it down knowing Draco would be ending things.

Draco motioned to Tina to step away from Crabbe and Goyle and the two moved around the couches as they talked in hush tones.

"What are you looking at, sunshine?" Theo whispered behind her, startling her.

"Theo." She gasped quietly, looking over her shoulder at him as he watched Draco and Tina talking too.

He was directly behind her and she could feel the warmth from his body against her back.

"What are they talking about?" Theo asked, cocking his head to one side.

"I think he's ending things with her." Lucy admitted quietly.

"Malfoy had a thing with Bones?" Theo asked surprised.

Lucy snapped her gaze to Theo and guiltily looked at him. "You didn't know?" She asked.

Theo shook his head, surprised. The two of them turned their gaze back to Draco and Tina and Lucy tensed up as Draco gazed over in her direction, noticing Theo behind her.

"I better go." Theo said after receiving a not so friendly stare off Draco.

"See you." Lucy called out quietly to him as he ascended the stairs to the dorms.

Lucy stood a minute longer until Tina abruptly turned on her heel as her face screwed up in anger and she stormed off up to the dorms.

Draco shook his head and made his way over to Lucy.

"How'd it go?" She asked him hesitantly.

"What did he want?" Draco snapped.

Lucy sighed and dropped her gaze. "He was just watching you two because I was. That's all." Lucy admitted.

Draco shook his head annoyed and looked over to where Crabbe and Goyle were sitting.

"I better go see her." Lucy said quietly. She moved around him and headed for the stairs, not turning to see if he was watching her as she slipped out of view.

"Tina?" Lucy said quietly as she entered the dorm. She was the only one in the room and she lay on her bed, clutching her pillow. "Are you alright?" Lucy asked gently as she sat on the edge of her bed and watched her.

"He called me clingy and annoying." Tina snapped. "He said that to my face." She added as her lips turned downwards and her bottom lip trembled.

"Oh, Tina." Lucy said apologetically. She reached out and stroked Tina's arm comforting her.

"He's so horrible, Lucy." Tina pouted as her eyes welled up with tears.

"I know." Lucy agreed quietly.

"How do you put up with him?" She asked, frowning in disbelief.

"I've known him a lot longer than you have; I've learnt how to deal with him." Lucy answered, shrugging. "But no matter, you can't let him see how he's affected you; it'll only make it worse." Lucy declared.

The Slytherin Princess - Year ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now