Should you open up?

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Alright. so now you've been talking to this guy. You've become pretty close with him. No feelings at all, just close friends. your wondering to yourself " should I let him in? tell him about my personal life?" Well here's what I suggest. I don't know if this will work for everyone, but with me I have a three step process to determine wether I should open up to him.

Step 1: Talk to him more often.

Start to have frequent conversations with him. I'm not talking about 24/7 but like if you talk to him like once a day after school, then you guys start to get more comfortable with each other. now I'm not saying you have to text him everyday, just try to talk to him more often, even just talking to him at lunch is good. as long as you guys are talking, you guys will get comfortable with each other.

Step 2: little things

Now with this next step I will tell him little things. like any recent gossip for example. If I told him like who likes who when I find out and I tell him not to tell anyone an he doesn't, then that's a good sign. now I'm not saying gossiping is good, but we all do it anyway. and by this logic, if he can keep these little secrets, there's a good chance he can keep another, and especially if that one is yours.

Step 3: my little things.

The final test to see if I can trust this guy with my secrets/personal life. I tell him some of my little secrets. like in step 1, he already would know stuff about you since you guys are always talking. but with this step it gets more personal than the usual greeting. now if you are a person who has a lot of things going on in your life that aren't necessarily positive. you got a lot of problems. majority are very very very personal. so you obviously don't wanna be telling that information to just anyone. so tell him your tiny secrets, and if he's able to keep those then I'm sure within time you can open up to him and if your having trouble with your life and you open up to him, he may be able to help you out, you never know.

So that is my method of figuring out wether I should open up to a guy. 99.9% of the time it works and I end up telling the right people, I hope that this helps you :)

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