My opinion

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Someone asked me the other day
"What do you want in a guy ?"
And to be honest...I couldn't answer. I told them that it's hard. There are so many things I could list, but the reality of a guy having all those things I want is impossible. Never have a set image of what your "dream guy " is. You can have likes ans dislikes but don't only date guys with brown hair or guys with blue eyes etc. by doing that your closing so many options. Just don't do it, because you may like guys with say blonde hair but end up falling in love with a guy Wh has brown hair. And don't talk about what you want your dream guy to look like in front I guys because who knows maybe one of them likes you, they already have a hard enough time getting he courage to ask you out, don't make it harder because if they hear all these things you want but they don't have, their gonna try and change their appearance and it's no longer them. Also guys Kinda find it a turn off sometimes when a girl has a set picture of what her boyfriend has to look like. I could list a few things right now and im curious to see who wants the same things. So this is what I want in a guy:

- be honest with me
-truly care for me
-will respect me
-eventually love me
-help me when I'm in trouble or need help with something.
-will listen to me
-won't be afraid to kiss me/hold my hand/ or just show me off in public
-sends me random texts during the day just to say hi or see how I'm doing.
-puts in an effort in for me
-making sure I wake up with a good morning and goodnight text to make sure that I start and end my day knowing he loves me and that I'm his girl.
-won't ever make me feel like I'm in competition with other girls for him/his attention
-has the decency and respect to not have provocative pictures of other girls/models on his phone or laptop while dating me. ( ^^^^^ties in with the point before this one ^^^^)
-does cute/romantic surprises for me
-let's me just relax and be myself around him.
-doesn't care whether I'm all dolled up with my makeup and hair done or no makeup in sweat pants and hair up in a messy bun, but still thinks I'm beautiful
-gives neck kisses (I know that's not really important but neck kisses are really cute and nice lol )
-enjoys dates where we just relax with like pizza and watch a movie.
-gives me attention
-can notice there's something bugging me or on my mind and will talk about it with me until I'm better regardless if it takes all night.
-make me a PMS kit LOL
-if I ask him if he could run and get me tampons or Tylenol or anything he can get them for me.
-tell me he loves me and mean it
-be himself and not be one person with me and another when I'm not around.
- won't make me worry if he's cheating on me/let me know that he truly wants to be with me
-will make me feel like the only girl in the world/princess
-good with kids ( I swear watching guys play with little kids and take care of them is honestly the cutest, like the biggest turn on ever.)
-enjoys my weirdness
-( Looks are bonus for me )
-will come to any performances I have and cheer me on/support
-loves music
-loves rap, hip hop, R&B, and old school hip hop/ R&B
-has making me happy one of his goals/priorities
-after a busy day/week lets me relax. ( gives me a massage, makes me dinner, sets up a bubble bath, etc)
-stays true to his word
-stands up for me regardless of I'm right or wrong
-doesn't mind coming to my huge family parties
-invites me to the parties he attends
-sees me more than a girl, gets to know me
-accepts me for me, flaws and all
-doesn't mid study dates XD
-PREFERABLY doesn't do drugs or drinks/gets into trouble etc but if he does...he does 
-would be down to a Disney movie night (old school classic Disney movies like little mermaid, lion king etc)
-can help me improve as a person
-let's me help him out when he needs me or I can see he needs help with something
-willing to try new things
-doesn't care if I have any baggage (emotional baggage) with me
-gives me my space/doesn't smother me 24/7. ( I like being smothered but there are times were I like my independence )
-knows me inside out
-is down to go shopping with me like into the girly stores. (Ex. La Vie En Rose, Victoria's Secret, Ardene, Garage etc )
-good sense of style
-respects and is nice to my family
-tells me if I'm doing something wrong and how I can fix it
-is fair ; doesn't constantly take control all the time. Let's me take control once in a while as well.
-acknowledges and likes the little things I do for him.
-recognizes and realizes how much effort I put in to make him happy everyday and does the same for me
-as much as I don't like people spending money on me because I tend to feel bad, I will admit that I love it when my boyfriend spoils me once in a while.
-doesn't always rely on me to start the conversation or ask him to hang out.

Wow I didn't realize how much I wrote but ya I guess you get the idea of where I'm trying to get at. Anyways ya sorry this chapters kinda about me, anyways don't forget feel free to message me if you want to talk. I'm here :)

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