On again off again

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I'm sure there are many of you guys who have had or are having that on again off again relationship. Your dating then your not dating then your dating again....tiring and confusing I know. To fix it ? Well not really much you can do except talk to each other and discuss whether you guys really should be together, I mean it can be stressful having an off again on again relationship. It's not healthy for anyone. I know it can be difficult when you have one part thinking I'm tied of all the fighting and I'm completely done but the other part of you is like but I really like him/love him and I always find myself going back to him and I can't stay mad at him for that long. Trust me.....I've got this one in the bag.... But seriously just sit down and talk to him. It's not healthy or fun for either of you. So as blunt as this sounds .... Talk things / work it out, or if things don't work out then move on. There are plenty of fish in the sea. I know it can be very hard to move on sometimes, but take your time. No ones rushing you.

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