Doubting yourself ?

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Having doubts about your relationship ? Should you stay in this relationship ?Is the relationship worth it ? Or the prize to all these questions... Does he still love me ? Or is he just with another girl behind my back ? Now to be honest, all these questions are very common. All girls and sometimes even guys ask themselves this. Usually it's the girl, but there are occasions where guys will be asking themselves this question. So... Let's go through them together.. Take a deep breath and lets begin:

Should you stay in this relationship ?

This is a very broad question; there could be many reasons as to why you are asking yourself this question. Some could be good some could be bad. Say that you, your boyfriend or even both of you guys are very busy people. Your schedules constantly booked, basically the only time you guys see each other is lunch time at school, or the odd hour on the weekend. Let's go back and look at that. So you guys are both incredibly busy right? Well here is where "Love" kicks in. If two people really do love each other than no amount of time could tear you two apart. You guys may not see each other as much as you would like to, but you will cherish the time you guys do have together. Here's the other scenario, if you feel that it's a waste of time because you guys can't see each other, or you've suddenly lost interest in each other, then maybe it is time to split, I guess it just wasn't meant, don't feel bad, because there is someone out there who will do absolutely anything for you, no matter the obstacle. I hope that none of you go through the experience of someone just suddenly drops you like that because I have been there, thinking that everything is okay between you two, then suddenly he just breaks up with you because some other girl caught his attention. Trust me it sucks, like one of the worst feelings ever. Mixture of confusion and heart break. I hope you guys don't go through that, cuz it's a memory I never want to relive. But ya, as I said if you guys really love each other, you guys can work through it :) Why don't you guys try booking a weekend just for you guys? Clean your schedule once in a while, so you guys could spent quality time together, no cell phones or anything, Just you two and your love <3

Is the relationship worth it ?

All relationships you get into are worth it, because if they weren't then why did you get into it then right ? its just sometimes certain things and distractions come in the way and side track people. So unless there are certain things that are off, or not necessarily supposed to happen in a loving relationship, then yes its worth it. Remember you control the relationship, both you and him. So its really up to you guys if the relationship is worth it. You guys make it worth it. So let me ask you something. Do you wake up and just get that smile come across your face from ear to ear at the thought that you will see him today ? or that you may not see him today but you know that he loves you ? Is the one thing that keeps you moving and getting through your day knowing the fact that you will see or talk to him again soon ? If a yes automatically pops in your mind, and maybe a little smile, then darling, your one lucky girl, because guess what, your in love, and like I said, love is always worth it <3

Does he still love me ? Or is he just with another girl behind my back ?

Ahh. The prize of all questions, there are simple signs as to how you can determine this. The obvious is if he constantly seems sketchy like he's hiding something that means he's hiding something. Yes there are instances he's hiding something like a surprise for you, but he gives off different signs when he's hiding something good or something bad. Trust me there not very hard to see, plus you get that gut feeling if it's something good or bad, can't really explain, but trust me you just know. Anyway, so let's say you find out he is hiding another girl, well first of all, I'm sorry you have to experience this. Secondly, don't necessarily "get revenge" because then you are just as bad and childish as him. Cheating is a childish thing, someone who doesn't take love seriously. Simply go up to him privately and break up with him. Don't have other people around because it's only you two in the relationship, no one else just you and him so they have no purpose in being there during that time. Anyways , just tell him you know about the other girl and your hurt, and disappointed. You don't need to waste your time with someone who can't take a commitment seriously. Or let's say that he just doesn't seem to show or give off that love kind of feeling. Then you should talk to him, figure what is going on between you two. If he doesn't love or like you anymore then don't waste your time honey, just make it a civil and mutual break up then. Nothing extreme, go out there an d find someone who really truly does care for you.

All in all, just talk to him darling, I mean I feel for you if your worrying, cuz I am on the same boat too sometimes, I wont lie. If I said I never worried that would be a total lie. You could trust someone, but there is always that little hint of worry, always, it cant be removed, its just an instinct and defense mechanism in case you have to prepare yourself for heart break. I do have my worries with long distance and stuff, and other things, but trust me. Go with what your gut says, sometimes it may not necessarily be right, but most times it is. Next chapter I will help all of you guys with trust issues.

Love you guys <3 :)

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