What kind of Girlfriend are you?

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Every girl who's in a relationship will always have this question going on in their mind. Are you the crazy psycho girlfriend? the overprotective girlfriend? the girlfriend who doesn't give enough attention to my boyfriend? so many different types of girlfriends you could be. 

Overprotective Girlfriend:

This girl at first glance is easy to tell that shes this type of gf. This is not really the gf you want to be tbh. you know why? it shows that you dont trust your bf. Now if you say well i think hes cheating on me or he has a history of cheating then why are you with him? If he cheats hes not worth your time sweetheart. if you dont establish trust you are gonna lose your mind trying to "constantly make sure he isnt cheating or your trying to catch him cheating". Just chill out and talk with him, if you cant trust him, im telling you now its not gonna end well and im sorry to say this he'll probably leave because you cant trust him, like who wants to be with someone who doesnt trust them?

Clingy Girlfriend:

This gf is always and i mean always with him. She takes him being her whole world to the extreme. Clingy can be good in portions but all the time on full blast...not the best choice, your just gonna drive him away because your not giving him his space. So once again take a breather, and then think about it. you like your alone time and independence right? If you sit around doing nothing you'll obviously miss him , because i can vouch for that lol. But entertain yourself, watch a movie, go out with your friends, hang out with your family, just go have fun ok sweetheart?

Overly insecure girlfriend:

This girl has no self confidence. Just like for girls, guys find confidence sexy. Love who you are girl! cuz your fucking amazing! and clearly he thinks so if hes with you and loves you. Its ok to be insecure sometimes or about certain things, but dont always be insecure about everything. That boy is crazy about you and wouldnt change a thing about you. Stand infront of the mirror and tell yourself your beautiful and i dont want you to stop until you believe it. Put on your best outfit that says you. Do your makeup if you want and do your hair if you want, but really.... Your already perfect without all the makeup and hair product and he'll always tell you thta, and that itself should bring your confidence up, but its all up to you to believe it and know you are beautiful.

Over energetic girlfriend:

Guys like girls who like to go out and do stuff, but not all the time, sometimes he just likes to chill out. Dont be the gf who has to always be out of the house or super hyper all the time (unless of course you have a condition that makes you very hyper if you dont take your medication, which by the way theres nothing wrong with you if thats the case). As much as its fun to be doing stuff and making memories, you can still make memories just relaxing the two of you on the couch watching tv. Just their presence should be enough for you.

I know that this is all about "bad" types of girlfriends. But you know what? In your boyfriends eyes you are the perfect girlfriend. Yes you may have some flaws, everyone does, but if you truly love the person you love them whole flaws and all

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