Road Block

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So your dating or thinking about going out with this guy, only problem is that your moving away. what do you do, push him away or go out with him? well this is what you do...

So ladies, in a situation like this the best answer would be to....go out with him. Reason why I say this is quite funny actually. I am going through this situation at the moment. My father and I are very close, and when he asked me if I had a boyfriend and I told him no but ialmost did, he asked me why. I told him that because I am moving, I don't wanna date anyone. He was very confused as to why I chose that decision because he said that I should go for the relationship, yes you heard me right my father wants me to go for the relationship. he told me that you should never pass by "love" like that. you never know, he could be the one. and if you just ignore it like that you could be ignoring your future husband. who knows, and if it didn't work out, that's okay that just means that you are one step closer to your soul mate. you have found another thing that you don't want in your future husband.

So thanks to my dad, I am going for the relationship, and its one o the best decisions I have ever made. I learned that sometimes talking to your dad about dating and stuff can be really helpful sometimes, you should really try it sometime, there are times they can give really good advice on the dating topic.

Second part of this question, how do you know he is loyal?

I'm sure as long as you trust him, it will be fine. when you panic you over react and that never goes well. if he's loyal to you in person then he still will be when you move. as long as you stay in contact and try to see each other I'm sure it will work out just fine. it only works if you both put in the effort, after all it takes two to tango. I'm sure that he won't cheat on you when your gone, because if he truly loves you, he wont. I was blessed to have a guy like mine, and I hope all you girls find one exactly like him, my handsome, loyal, sweet, kind, loving, caring, in a way protective guy.

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