Are you rushing it?

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So your crush finally asks you out, CONGRATS!!!! YOU GOT A BOYFRIEND!!! I'm so happy for you ☺. You think, oh I don't need this guide anymore I'm a pro, think again. you still need to worry if your rushing things in your relationship, because if you rush it he will probably not like that and slowly loose feelings for you. Because that would be one huge turn off, and then all your hard work and dedication would be put to waste. Now I know I may make this seem like being in a relationship is alot of work, well in technicality it kinda is. Most of it is to have fun (not just in that way) but you also gotta put the work and effort in to make you guys work. Alright here we go, I'll help you make sure you aren't rushing anything in your relationship.

-Hand Holding
This would probably be your first intimate step in your relationship, too be honest I don't think you can seriously rush hand holding, if you wanna hold his hand then do it if our not uncomfortable with it. when he wants to hold your hand when you guys walk in the hallway, it shows he is proud to have you and that he wants to show you off to the whole world, so embrace it.

When you are in a relationship you get lazy to call each other by your names and instead you replace it to baby, babe, sweetheart, princess, etc. I would say just wait a couple days after you guys are dating to call each other these names, I wouldn't necessarily start calling him this the day you guys start dating, I would wait a couple days, maybe like a week then you can probably start calling him baby and stuff like that.

To be honest, I don't really think you can rush this one, it's more of a moment thing, like if it feels like a good moment to kiss, you usually just do it, no matter the setting or time. The only problem I can see with this is doing it too often. don't over do it, once in a while is ok. But yea, whenever you guys are ready to kiss, go for it. Reason why I say this is because before my current boyfriend and I were "half dating" for a month before we officially started dating. Basically we acted like a couple we just didn't have a label. Reason why is because my boyfriend wanted to get to know me better before he asked me out. And while we were half dating around the last week before he officially asked me out he started holding my hand in the hallways, putting his arm around me while we would sit beside each other, and you guessed it he would kiss me. Only thing was that it wasn't like an actually kiss, they were just short quick and simple kisses on the cheek and pecks on the lips. Our first actual kiss, a long passionate kiss right after he asked me out and I said yes. which mind you was the best day of my life. 💖

- I love you
The big prize, the main attraction. Now with these you cannot absolutely cannot rush. These are special. You need to say this with meaning, you can't just throw these around. I would say that the best time to start saying I love you would probably be around 1 1/2 month to 2 months. Around there you can start saying it, then is when it starts to be ok to say it.

That's this chapter! hope you enjoyed, don't forget to vote <3 and inbox me any questions and stuff and I will answer them.

Instagram: myaannabellekim
Twitter: @yourgirlmya

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