Are you ready ?

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Hey guys! It's lunchtime! so heres more advice :) ok so you may need to ask yourself, well are you ready for a relationship. Now to be in a relationship you gotta be confident. Everyone has their insecurities yes, but when you are not confident in pretty much anything, then that's not good. your not ready for a relationship. Guys like confident girls and i mean be honest us girls love a confident guy right? One that will walk down the hall proudly holding your hand or give you a kiss on the cheek. One where when someone asks who she is he says with so much confidence "that's my girl", one that will defend you right? Well he can only really do that if you feel confident about yourself as well. so just remember that when your asking yourself if your ready for a relationship. Now another thing, say there is a scenario where your boyfriend and you just got together or say you guys have been dating for a while, in this scenario it really doesn't matter how long. Anyways say that he has a bad habit, and you want him to stop for (drugs, school, vandalism, etc.) and you wanna get him to stop. The best way to get him to stop is to help him. Yes most of the work has to be done by him, but i don't think you realize how much help you can really give. First things first, talk to him. Tell him you wanna get him out of this habit. Next game plan. Do whatever it takes to get him out of it, like try to always keep him busy so that he wont have time for his bad habit. When you talk to him, you gotta let him know, that your telling him to stop just because you don't like his bad habit, but because you care about him. Everyone has a potential bright future its just that sometimes some of us get lost or don't seem to realize it, that's when other people show us our potential. Now he may not stop right away, it will take time, but as long as you stick by him, and help him. He will not only realize his potential, but that you do actually care about him. You wanna make him the person you know he can be. If he ends the relationship and pushes you away because your making him stop something that he "loves", well then honey your better off without him. Hes just not ready to realize his potential, he just doesn't want to, its not your fault so don't feel bad. you tried to help him out. If anything feel proud :) Trust me, if he does change for the better and gets out of the habit, you got a keeper, because then he will realize what you have done for him, and suddenly he has this attachment to you that he or no one can get rid of. and its the best feeling ever knowing you have helped someone. 

A/N: Got some trust issues ? read next chapter and I'll help you out :) and i've started a new book, basically a romance kind of book i guess you can say so go check it out :) Fallen Unexpected

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