Chapter 9

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Yoongi's P.O.V
"Are you all packed?" Jennie asked as I nodded my head and placed the back pack on the bed looking at her
"We didnt really bring much stuff and I really hope that the guys didn't get in trouble covering for us" I said. We just left like that, we never told the rest that we would go on a mission to help Rose and Sam.
"Jisoo has been texting me non stop, she keeps saying that not everyone is ment to have a happy ending" she said as I slowly wrapped my arms around her looking at her
"Yeah that's true but, looks like they were ment to have one" I said
"Jennie, promise me no matter what happens from now on that it will be just you and me when it comes to our relationship" I said looking at her as she slowly nodded her head
"Ofcourse it will be just you and me" she said as she hugged me
"Putting aside the fact that I love you, you are also my best friend" I said making her smile
"Mhh good to know" she said
"Are you guys ready to go?" Taheyung asked as we nodded, we all only broth one backpack
"Yeah let's just hope the car doesn't brake down again" Jennie added
"I'm hoping that Rose doesn't brake down" he said making us look at him
"Aren't they in a good place now? They made up" I said
"Yeah, but what will happen when Sam has to stay all alone here with her friend that's obviously interested in her" Taehyung said as me and Jennie quickly placed our hand on his mouth
"If you want to live don't remind her, Rose can't be reminded of that" Jennie said
"I can't be reminded of what?" Rose asked as she walked in to the room making all of us look at her
"Uhhh... Well...we didn't want to remind you of how heartbroken you were" Jennie said
"On no it's fine, don't worry about it I have her now the heart aich I felt was a wake up call for me" she said smiling
It's scary how she can go from a sweet angel to basicly ready to kill you in a second.
"Yeah, that's right" we all said
We all walked down stairs as we saw a small breakfast propared as Sam was holding Emily in her hands. Sam slowly put her down as Emily walked over and handed a rose to Taehyung blushing
"This is for you" she said giggling as we all held a laugh in
"Aww Taehyung it's cute how she has a crush on you" Sam said as he shot her a playful glare and he took the rose from the adorable child.
"Thank you honey, I love it" he said and hugged her
It was very fun, we laughed while eating, played games and had a blast, Emily was sitting in Taehgung's lap as he was feeding her and him self. After we all ate we helped Sam out with the table and dishes.
"Knock, knock! Sam I broth you food" we heard Sam's friend, Rose turned to Sam crossing her arms shooting her a glare as Sam walked over to the door opening it
"Hey lils, this is not really a good time...." Sam said as the girl pushed her away and walked in seeing all of us
"I see they are still here" she said as Sam nodded
"Yeah they are my friends they are always welcomed here" she said as she rolled her eyes
"I can deal with you having other friends Sam, but I can't deal with the fact you not liking me in that way anymore, I was your first love, your awakening your first everything" she started and tried getting close to Sam as she pulled her self away. Rose looked at the girl and took a deep breath before she walked over and grabbed Sam's hand and looked at the girl
"See this?" she asked as she held Sam's hand tightly
"I may have been confused, or in denial before, but now when I know what I feel I won't ever let go of this hand! And no matter what happens I won't let anyone stand in my way" She said as she looked at Sam
"I'm sorry Lils but... I fell in love with Rose, and because of our past I'm willing to let this behaviour go, forget about it but I can't promise you anything if you keep acting like this, when I was desperately in love with you, you talked about sleeping around with other people in front of me, when I begged you for a chance you said that I need to let it go because it will never happen, and you were right it would never happen" she said, I could see that the girl didn't take it very well as she left Sam's house in tears.
Sam sighed and ran her hand trough her hair as she stared at the door
"I wish it didn't end like this, I really hope she can understand" she said
"If she doesn't then you know that you don't need somone like that" I said
"But it's not fair, I was able to forgive and forget when she was not in to me" she said
"it's fine tho, I'm sorry about that, who is still hungry? Anyone want desert?" she asked as we all shook our heads and looked at her
"We should probbably get back" Taheyung said
"Right" she said and we all hugged her

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