Chapter 4

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The girl in the photo is Sam
Sam's P.O.V
What can I add that was not already mentioned before? Honestly I don't know, but here it is my turn to talk about how....crule life can be honestly. My name is Sam And I am 20 years old. I would like to say that my life has always been an optical, constantly setting up one challange after another, for example I witnessed my parents splitting up very young at the age of about 14 and a half? I try to block that out. Growing up I never actually had a lot of opertunaty to get to know my dad because he was never around, I guess that was not all his fault because he was traveling, I was mostly just with my mom and grandmother. My mom was very sick and after my birth she had problems so my grandmother tuck care of me. I was just a baby when she would telle that she cried right on to me. While I was growing up I was a very weird child honestly I never liked playing with dolls and I was a huge trouble maker, mostly braking my leg and arm and ending up in a fight every other day, I wasn't an easy child to handle. It only got I guess not worse but more challenging from there. I was about 15 years old when I first fell in love... And it was with a girl... She was gorgouse the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life and we had so much in common, from the music that we listened to the shows that we liked. So beeing my brave ass self I actually tried to ask her out and to confess to her. I am not or I was not smooth with girls back then, hey don't judge we all have had out aquard years. I looked her dead in the eyes and wrote on my phone in my notes about how I felt about her. I gave her my phone and then told her don't unlock it untill I tell you. She rejected me and laughed about it, I guess it was not that bad cause she was surprised and before you ask yes she was bisexual so I hoped for a chance. From that day I started to actually work on my self and to find my style and my self I was on a jeourny to start loving my self. It was not easy, then again not everything in my life was easy. I cut my hair, I started wearing more eagy outfits and I started experimenting with my hair colour, instead of stuffing my face with food every day, I started taking karate lessons and I was working out, I started getting better and better as hard as I worked and I thought I was beating life. But as soon as I thought I was winning I was pushed back down and long story short, I ended up moving with my mother and my step baby sister and her boyfriend or now husband, when I tell you how much I hate this guy is an understatement.
Here I was dragging my body on the streets at 3am with blood all over my face and all over my hands. Let's just say I was trying to be a good date and ended up getting in a fight with a drunk ass dude that tried to make me protend I'm his girlfriend. I realised a small sigh as I ran my hand trough my hair as I leaned against the front door in our appartmant, I knew that my mom will be worried but I knew that he would act like a dush about it. I took a small breath as I unlocked my door and entered very carefully inside and hid in the bathroom, I thought that if I could stop the bleeding my mom wouldn't be able to notice. I looked at my reflection in to the mirror and I saw that my nose was actually split and it was not the inside that was the problem but the top of my bridge.
"Shit!" I whispered to my self as I tried to wash off the blood with tears in my eyes. I didn't cry because it hurt or because I was so embarresd that I was beaten up, I cried because my mom would be crushed and because I promised I would stay out of trouble yet I managed to brake another word of mine...i was never good with keeping up with life. I slid down against the wall as I kept buried my head in my hands while I was covered in my own blood.
"Sam?" I heard my mom from the other side of the door as I quickly stud up and tried my best to wash off the blood but no matter how hard I dried my face was already covered in dry blood and I couldn't hide my nose when it was clearly hurt.
"Uhh yeah! I'm home..." I managed to answer my voice was shaky
"Okay well I'm gonna walk in okay?" my mom said as I tried to stop her
"No don't wait!" I said as I stood in front of the door
"Sam what's wrong?" my mom asked worried.
"I got in trouble and before you see me I want to propare you okay, I just want to tell you I'm fine and it doesn't hurt" I said as I heard her soft sobs
"Okay Sam just open the foot please" she said as I tuck a deep breath and allowed my mom to enter. She was crushed and devistated
"Sam! Oh my god what happend? Oh my god!" she said as she grabbed my hand and dragged me in to the small dining room in the small appartmant that we had.
"Dave wake up, please walk up" she said, he was the last one I wanted to talk to or see at the moment.
"Well we have to take her to the hospital!" my mom yelled at him as he was trying to see if my nose was broken, he was very harsh and violent with me he had a problem with my sexualaty, my mom respected it, he was very nice to my mom and my sister.
"Fine we will take her to the hospital" he said as he glared at me and grabbed my chin
"Just one day I would like to have pice in this place" he said as i glared at him.
"Just one day I would like for you to shut up" I snapped back
"Sam!" my mom said as I instantly went quet. My mom and Dave got ready as I had to keep my head leaned back. The things that went trough my head that night the amount of tears that fell from my eyes that night I couldn't discrobe the void and pain I felt, mostly I was ashamed of my self I was very ashamed of my self.
"Well it doesn't seem to be broken Sam, but you might need stitches" the nurse said as she cleaned the wound and put it in a bandage so it would not be a problem for the night.
"I like yiur style, but do you mind if I move your bangs aside?" the nurse asked as my mom quickly ran her hand trough my hair pushing my bangs back as the nurse cleaned the rest of my wounds.
"Miss the doctor is looking for you" the assistant called my mom as she looked at me
"Behave" she said and kissed my head as she walked out of the room leaving me with the nurse.
"So Sam how did this happen?" she asked as I looked at her
"I Uhh fell..." I said as she looked at me, it was an intanse eye contact.
"How did you manage to hurt your nose that much? And. To get a black eye?" she asked making me look away.
"You know Sam unless you actually own up, your going to fall a lot" she said making me look at her
"And next time the damage won't be an easy fix" she said as I sighed
"Its hard its hard to talk about it" I said as she pulled a chair and sat in front of me.
"tell me about it" she said as I looked at her and nodded
"Okay....i studie material arts and I got in this condition, I should be able to defend my self not to come home like this" I said as she smiled and placed her hand on mine
"Sam just because you failed once that doesn't mean you won't succeed in the future, but you must not give up" she said and smiled
"I also broke my promise to my mom when I rpimised I wouldn't and that hurts me more, I feel embarresd and humiliated" I addmited
"Alright tell you what, I will make you a deal" she said
"I'm listening" I said
"I will keep your secret and tell your mom that your story cheaks out and that you did fall, but I want you to promise me that you won't give up on your dream and you won't allow to be mistreated" she said as I smiled
"Deal" I said as I offered her my hand as she shook it
"Nice bracelet" she said as I looked at my braiclet, it was in the lgbt colours.
My mom walked in and instantly rushed to us
"How is she, she will be fine miss, her nose is jot broken and the doctor prescribed her pain killers if she has a problem, she doesn't seem to have a cuncousin and you are very much free to go" she said smiling
"Right thank you, uh how much do we owe you" My mom asked as she pulled her purse out.
"Oh no charge, your daughter had a very rough night" she said as she smiled.
I was healing perfectly fine and after a few weeks my nose was like new. I wish I could say I stayed out of trouble tho....

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