Chapter 7

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Sam's P.O.V
It wasn't long after we were all send to our rooms by mister Park. He actually had the right to be mad at us, I couldn't stop thinking about what he told me the day before, to stay away from Rose. I really wished with all my heart I could stay away from her, I really wished I didn't have feelings for her. Maybe I didn't, maybe it was just plotonic? There was no point in thinking about it at the moment. I sighed a bit as I tuck a quick shower. I put on my plad pajamas and a sports braw as usual as I started drying off my shirt hair as I stared at my reflection in the mirror, I kept thinking about my mom and my sister as well, what the hell have I gotten my self in to? I haven't been home for days, I couldn't keep up with the amount of lies I have told my mom by now. I glanced at my phone as I saw a few messages from her
"Sam please come home, or adleast call me or text me so I know you are okay"
"Sam honey, I promise it will be the last time that he treats you like this, please come back home I miss you"
"Baby please I'm going crazy worried"
I sighed a bit as I saw the messages and simply replied back
"I'm fine mom, staying with some friends because they are going trough some hard times"
I replied but she instantly called me, I stared at the phone for a few seconds trying to hold back my tears. I took a deep breath and pressed answer call
"Hey mom" I said with a small smile when I heard her worried voice
"Oh thank god your okay! You had me worried sick! Do you know that? Sam please come home I need to see you please" my mom praccticly begged me on the other side of the line. I didn't want to go home, not cause I don't love her, but having that psycho on my tail I didn't want to endanger her.
"Mom please don't make things harder then they already are" I said
"What is harder Sam? You belong by my side, your my child and your side is next to me" my mom cried on the other line.
"Mom I'm fine please belive me, I'm helping out some friends..." I said
"I won't calm down untill I see you, come back tomorrow just so I can see you and feel you please Sam" this was braking my heart to millions of pieces as I tried to hold back the tears, I knew her husband won't like the idea of me going there but I did miss her too.
"Okay... I will come and see you tomorrow..." I said quetly holding back my tears
"Okay good, ill make your favorite food, okay? I love you bye baby" my mom said as I hung up the phone unable to hold my tears in anymore as I realised every bit of sadness I was holding inside me thease last 5 days. It hurt my heart to ignore my mom like that but I couldn't do anything else, not untill that ass was behind bars. I was so lost in to my thoughts, I didn't notice that somone was in my room. I jumped a bit as I felt arms wrapping around me.
"It's okay tomboy.... Let it it out" I heard the familiar beautiful voice with the adorable Australian accent. Rose, I wrapper my arms around her as i rested my head on her shoulder crying.
Few minutes later...
I sighed a but as both me and Rose were sitting in the balcony in my room, it wasn't very big but the view was very beautiful. It was quet untill she slowly place her hand on top of mine making me look at her
"If you want to talk about it tomboy, you can talk about it to me." Rose said making me smile a bit as I kept looking at her
"Thank you, but... Like I said my past is something I'm not very proud of...." I said, I had more to say but she cut me off looking at me
"I don't care brat.... I haven't had any friends rather then the boys and I actually want to know about you" she said
"Why were you crying?" she asked as she leaned in to me making me sigh
"My mom called me" I said sighing a bit as she looked at me, she had a curious look on her beautiful face
"And?" she asked making me laugh a bit to my self
"And... I got emotional" I said as she kept looking at me
"Because!" she asked
"Because I left without telling her.... And because she was worried about me as usual and because I haven't been returning her calls and because she doesn't know that I got scammed and I got shot and that I'm an even bigger dissapointment then she thought I was... " I said as she looked at me
" Your talking in code tomboy" she said "Whatever you tell me it's going to be safe with me" she said.
"I think you have noticed it by now but I wasn't born here.... We moved here recently" I said I couldn't belive I was telling her my story now, no one knew my life story.
"My parents split up when I was around the age of 15, my dad wasn't really around since he traveled a lot and he never really cared about me so it was mostly me and her" I said
"I was very socially aquard child, since I was actually a little diffrent then the rest of the girls, I got bullied a lot calling me an unloved child and beating me up and stuff" I said then looked at her
"But honestly I wasn't an angel... I started dooing things that were very unacceptable. I started training karate and I actually was good at it, little by little I got good at it and I used it for getting my way, I didn't alow people to take advantage of me like they used to. I came home every day to my depressed mother. She would drink coffee and smoke, she was heartbroken about the divorce and about my dad cheating, she was unimpolyed and we struggled with money, my grandparents helped out as much as they could but that didn't last after I came out, my whole family was dissapointed in me, they didn't want to see me or look at me, it was me against the world, i was back at aqear 1 again, I started beeing a trouble maker because I thought beeing a good child got me nowhere, I mean I was honest it cost me my whole family that cared about me" I said
"So I started picking fights with people who would just even look at my direction, I started sleeping around and built a bad reputation in my town, no one dared to get near me. My world shadared when I found out my mom gave birth without even telling me about it... She never told me she had a boyfrirnd or somone in her life. It was hard to be betrayed by the person you trust so much" I said looking at her
"But at the end of the day, I was that big trouble maker, she was constantly fighting with neighbours thanks to my actions, not once she looked me in the eyes and told me I don't love you, she told me I don't care if you like girls, I gave birth to you, your my responsibility, so in a messed up way I forgave her too, but her husband hated me so much, he hated that I like girls, he hated the fact how his family looked at me during family dinners, I didn't give in to him tho, I argued back and screamed twice as louder then him. Untill recently when I got in a fight beacsue I was trying to protect somone... I got beaten up but I said I fell of the steps because I didn't want to worry my mom more" I said
"He as usual started yelling and screaming at me telling me hurtful stuff like" I didn't sign up for a faggot + or something like, your lesbian daughter is making our guests uncomftrable, just to humiliate me, so I said enough was enough" I said
"I just left home" I said and looked down
"where did you go when you left?" she asked looking at me
"I stayed with my ex, when I thought I could trust her, and after that happend with her well... I met the guys and I got shot and met you" I said as we looked at eachither making eye contact.
"Now you know, the hopeless flirt, the drggie, the trouble maker tomboy..." I said as I looker away from her eyes, she must have been disgusted by me.
"I know I'm disgusting and a bad person... I understand if you don't want to even look at me, heck I don't know why my mom wants me to go see her..." I said, I felt her getting up, i expected her leave, but I wasn't expecting what she did next. She grabed my hand making me sit up and looked up in to my eyes as she placed my hand on her wound where she first dot shot.
" You think you are a bad person tomboy?! Huh?" she raised her voice
"Do you think a bad person risks their own life just to help somone?! You could have just as easily gotten hurt that night, but did you care?! No you didn't, you cared about getting me out of there! AND WHAT ABOUT TONIGHT?" she yelled as her eyes started filling themselves with tears.
" Your not a bad person tomboy, and your scars are bit disgusting, they make you, you. " she said calming down a but as I slowly whiped her tears away
A few minutes later...
It was all quet again untill Rose broke the scilance again
" Go see your mom tomorrow tomboy" she said.
"I can't, I can't face her, not after everything that happend...i don't have the strainghed to go alone and take a few more reminders how much I suck as a daughter." I said as she looked at me
"What if I come with you?" she asked
"For morral support, you know beeing a good friend and all" she said, friend... That word hurt me more then I thought.
"Yeah...what are friends for" I said as I sighed a bit, what the hell? This girl is killing me, she acted like we didn't almost kiss on that mission.
"Tomboy..." she said making me looking at her waiting for her to say something but all she did was wrap her arms around me hugging me, I slowly wrapper my arms around her as well, she pulled away and leaned in placing a kiss on my cheek. Before I could react she walked away. I stood there as I placed my hand on the side of the cheak she kissed.

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