Chapter 6

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Yoongi's P.O.V

Some times life can really be tough, weather it is loosing someone you love or if it's just having love problems it will find a way to fuck you over. I knew better then to trust anyone honestly but i let my guard down. This just proved to me that love does not exist and that no one actually loves me. I sighed a bit as i finally changed from my pajamas to my outfit for the day and walked downstairs to have breakfast with the rest of them.
"Yoongi are you feeling better?" Namjoon asked me as I slowly nodded, I was my old self with my blank face as usual since i did not find anything to smile for. It would be a shame though since i have to see her again in actually 2 days time now for her engagement party.
"How are we all doing, did you all sleep well?" mister Park asked as everyone started stroking up conversations with one another except for me.
"Yoongi, are you okay you haven't said a word' Mister Park asked me as I nodded. Everyone honestly needs to mind their own dam business and stop asking me if I am okay every five seconds. Sam sighed a bit as she tuck a seat next to me, I looked at her and saw that she is distracted as well. I tuck a deep breath and slowly nudged her arm
"What" she asked looking at me, she seemed like she was annoyed at me, and she would be in the right if she was annoyed at me, yesterday she was only trying to help me and i acted like jerk as usual.
"I just wanted to actually say sorry about how I acted yesterday, and I usually never apologize so you should feel honored tomboy" I said, that made her roll her eyes
"Wow thank you, i feel very honored to be in the same room as you" she said as she looked at her hands making me notice her fidgeting with her fingers
"Are you okay?" I asked as she looked at me and nodded
"Good morning" Rose said as she walked in with Lisa, I noticed the look on Sam's face as she instantly looked away
"Are you sure you are okay?" I asked Sam again as she glared at me and nodded again
"You know what Yoongles maybe you should mind your own business this time" she said making me sigh.
"I trust that everyone was very comftrable last night?" Mister Park asked as everyone nodded their heads.
"Sam" he mentioned as Sam looker at him
"Hm?" she asked as mister Park gave her a warm smile
"I know this is a bit new to you dear and it may be scary having your life turned around like that but I hope you see a reason to stay a little bit longer with us" he said as Sam swallowed her food and glanced over at Rose as she nodded slowly
"Yeah I see a few reasons to stay and help sir" she said as she gave him a smile.
Sam grabbed the glass that was filled with her water as Jimin across from her offered her his gentle smile as he tuck a bite from his food
"Ahh right ofcourse, thank you Sam, I promise I will find you a nice lady" he said making rose choke on her food
"I'm sorry...." she said as she grabbed a napkin as mister Park looked at Jungkook
"Ofcourse Jungkook I always saw you as a son, and as the perfect match for Rose" he said making Jungkook choke on his bite and Jimin and Sam spill their water, they looked at each other.
Mister Park called over the maid and looked at all four of them.
"Well what's wrong with you kids? You keep choking and spitting out food" he said as Jimin stud up and excused himself from the table.

Jungkook's P.O.V
I rember I was very young when I knew my sexualaty but my parents never accepted me so that made me very closed up and ashamed of my self about beeing attracted to boys. This shame in my life went on for a long time untill I was 15 years old and I met the crackhead idiots that are my friends today, I was very selfish child I beloved what's mine is mine and what's yours is yours, I didn't like sharing and I was never respectful to my elders, but the way that they never gave up on me made me a bit more open with my self, I started carrying for my self. It was after a few months when I was getting in to a mess, I fell in love with Jimin and it was clear that he felt the same way about me, but the me he wanted, that was something I could never give him, it wasn't because I didn't want to but it was more because I couldn't, I wasn't able to get it trough my head that I want to have him with me for the rest of my life, I tuck him for granted and he was very pacient with me, but ofcourse everyone's pacoance runs out eventually, jimnshi's ran out when we broke off the gangster business and we decided to have normal lives, he looked me in the eyes and told me to be with him, but me the stubborn idiot I was I refused.
Which brings us back to today, when I first saw him my heart instantly reminded me how I felt when he was around me and how I was an idiot for letting him go.
I was eating quetly as mister Park was talking, Rose was sitting right across from me as mister Park was sitting on the center.
"Ofcourse Jungkook I always saw you as a son, and as the perfect match for Rose" he said making me choke on my food as as Sam and Jimin spat out the water they where trying to swollow.
"Excuse me" Jimin said as he got up from the table, I wanted to follow him, I wanted to go and tell him everything I had kept all this time but somehow my body wouldn't allow me to, somehow I couldn't stop thinking that maybe he was better off without me, he didn't the deserve the things I put him trough. Every bite I tuck from my food I wasn't able to swollow it untill I saw Jimin walking trough the door again
"Are you okay Jimin?" Mister Park asked him as he nodded and smiled. Everyone slowly started getting up from the table as they fineshed with their food, it was just me Jimin and Sam on the table. I gave her a glance as she looked at me confused, I gestured at Jimin as she stud up
"Uhh yeah I'm fineshed" she said and left us alone. Jimin stud up as well as he started helping the staff with the table. I sighed as I started helping as well, what do you say to somone you love so much but you haven't seen in a long time and you where a jerk to them.
"So that food was to die for am I right?" I asked as he looked at me and nodded
"Yeah very good" he said making me sigh a bit
"So how have you been, long time no see" I said making him look at me
"You know traveled here and there, missed you" he said making me look at him
"I missed all of you guys, you know the others as well" he said as I nodded
"I missed you too.... All of you I mean" I said as he nodded
"Ofcourse" he said making me smile
"You know I really did miss talking to you, I was pretty much alone thease few years, I wish we never separated, all of us ofcourse" he said as I nodded
"Yeah me too" I said as we saw the rest of the guys in the living room
"But we are together now... All of us I mean" I said as he nodded
"Yeah ofcourse, all of us" he said
"Jimin...we are okay right?" I asked as he nodded and looked at me
"Yeah we are okay" he said making me smile as we walked over to the others, we all laughed as I stated at Jimin. How can kne person be your whole world
After a while of goofing off I saw Rose and instantly walked over to her.
"Hey can we talk for a second?" I asked as she looked at me and nodded, she looked a bit terrafied from what I'm going to say.
"Rose look.... I think your an amazingly stunningly beautiful girl.." she grabbed my arm and pulled me in to a room as she closed the door behind her
"Okay before you say anything, I don't like you I never actually liked you in that way" she said making me look at her in relief
"Really? Well that's...." I started off then looked at her
"But wait why does your dad think that you like me" I asked as she rolled her eyes
"Don't you and Jimin have a thing?" she asked making me look at her
"Don't change the topic" I said as she sighed
"Why does your father think you like me?" I asked again
"Because I told him that, I told him that I like you when I was at the hospital" she said
"Why would you tell him that you like me of you don't like me?!" I asked as I looked at her
"Unless" I asiad making her look at me in panic
"Unless what?" she asked
"Unless you actually like somone else" I said making her look at me in panic again
"What....what are you talking about ofcourse I don't!" she said making me look at her
"Mhm sure you don't" I said as she sighed
"I really don't okay!" she said as I nodded and walked out of the room as we saw Sam and Lisa togheter, they where very touchy
"They seem close" I said as she crossed her arms and looked away
"Yeah and I belive you don't like anyone" I said as I went back to the guys.

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